76 Week Goetia – Astaroth

Astaroth: “There, you finally got it right.” (He was amused since I was mixing up Alora and Foren in the enn.)

A: “It is good to see you again. We have some work to do. You haven’t called me in quite some time. “

Me: “That is true. Not for anything non-transactional since, what, the Lessons of the Deck a few years ago?” (I did contemplate apologizing, but I don’t know why I would. I don’t call up entities to waste their time)

A: “No, you don’t. I appreciate that. You’ve had a few matter that could’ve used my help, but that was then, not now. Well, not THOSE issues.” (He knew I couldn’t remember everything he was referring to, which he also found amusing.)

A: “Very well. We shall work on both love-related craft and scrying. Scrying first with the ball, please. Write down what you see.”

I see a red-haired woman pointing upwards towards the sky, but that’s not the direction that I should follow with my eyes. Instead I’m looking inside of her to the place between her stomach and her womb and there I see a mass of some sort. This is looking more like a painting rather than a live person. I don’t know why I’m looking at this mass inside of this woman who looks like she’s dressed from maybe the late 1800’s to early 1900s.

Her attention is towards whatever she’s pointing at but she’s not pointing directly at item that her attention is on. She is resting her attention on the finger and the fingers pointing towards something else. Then the pointing itself doesn’t matter. What does matter is that she is not aware of this growth and so her mind is placed elsewhere

A: “But if she were aware of it, it would…”

M: “Consume her.”

A: “Much like some of the things you don’t have. You’re aware of the loss, the not having, rather, and this becomes a fixation for your attention. Next.”

Now I’m seeing a teenage boy also pointing upwards, but he’s pointing straight up and that’s exactly where his attention is going. Not towards his fingers or his hands, but towards the direction he is looking. He’s fixated on something. His clothes was the same or similar time as the woman, but here I can kind of already see what Astaroth is probably getting at.

M: “The focus on the distant horizon, the sky above. It symbolizes me looking past the day and towards the distant future.”

A: “It does.”

M: “I don’t understand how this is, not wrong, but not right?”

A: “I didn’t say it wasn’t. You must keep an eye on it, like you must keep an eye on the horizon and on the wind when sailing. Be mindful of it. You distant looking is correct in many senses and you sometimes apply it to look past the ‘trivial’ stuff of today. For example, you have been thinking about one of the games you used to play that is trivial and you’ve thought of it more frequently lately. Why?”

M: “I’m assuming I’m missing the distraction, the break from reality that one gains from it.”

A: “You take breaks from reality all the time. Consuming social media, the news, reading book on various Occult topics. Those also give you breaks. What else would this game benefit you?”

M: “It’s different from my typical distractions.”

A: “Bingo. See you tomorrow.”

I started gaming again. Well “gaming”. I’m not going to lost sleep over it like I used to. Maybe that’s my age, maybe it’s because a later wakeup will waste more of my time in traffic than I’d care to. I do know that as nostalgic as it is dabbling with Word of Warcraft again an hour or so at a time, I do recognize that I just don’t care as much about it anymore. And since I can’t put as much of myself into it, I know I won’t get as much out of it.

It’s a distraction, but a nice one that doesn’t involve reading about magic, practicing magic or other rituals, magic, magic, magic, occult, occult, occult… It is a really nice distraction where I get to remember when I first played it in late 2004. I enjoy the memories, for sure. But the game has also changed like I have.

A: “It was good to start again, but you’re not spending as much time doing it.”

M: “I am not. I still have daily duties (that I mostly get to) for my practice, as you know.”

A: “You also don’t have the same (need/want) to achieve anything there. In fact, things have changed in that regard, as much as you miss it.”

M: “It has. I don’t know that I will get to relive it as I used to without building my own computer again and I can’t see doing that to use it as little as I expect I will.”

A: “You’ve fallen out of love with it, in a way. That is all.”

A: “You have found some benefit to taking a break, have you not?”

M: “I have thank you and it is still not the same.”

A: “You knew it wouldn’t be, but for now grab your tourmaline ball and let us scry.”

M: “I’m seeing something similar to a battleship or some other military or military-like ship. It’s on some noticeable waves and it’s not pleasant, but it’s not dangerous. I feel there’s a mixture of military and civilians on this boat. I want to say it somewhere near Asia but I don’t know if that matters or if it’s real.

There is contention on this vessel and while the military, likely Navy, person is in charge, they aren’t entirely in charge of everything on the ship. Largely the direction and mission, but only the military side of it.

There’s some sort of civilian mission on there also that I can’t quite see. This civilian mission could be for technical expertise reasons. There are a lot of reasons they could be on that ship. I’m not sure about a nationality either because I feel like there are several on board but I think I mean that ethnically. There are different ethnicities on the boat and maybe that’s better description than nationalities. I know it’s going to come to a head and the civilian person can’t take charge of the ship just as the Navy person can’t take charge of whatever this civilian is doing. Neither have the skills alone do both so they are forced to work together in an unhappy arrangement.”

A: “You see some of the similarities to the situations that you are currently in with your role. The dual military-civilian situations. The seas aren’t typically stormy in your office, but they could be and they may be. Remember those areas of contention that you saw and try to head them off. You will have less time to see them with more people out of the office. That is all.”

Strange dream last night inline with the above entry. I was initiating into some sort of “Order” or group that was magical in nature. The kicker was that most of the people I had to prove that I wanted in with are people I currently manage. Not all of them, but a subset of local leadership of them. I had to go through some ordeals to prove how much I wanted to be a part of it.

I don’t remember feeling really strongly that I needed to be a part of it in an emotional way. I didn’t need it for my job. But it was somehow important. In this dream, it meant laying or standing in one place for hours on end without falling asleep or falling over. More specifically, I was laying at “Attention”, like a soldier would stand at attention. This has happened in real life, but there were no blankets to hold me in that position in this dream. There would be times where I would nod off and one of my people would write it down in a sort of ledger that they all shared.

No everyone was there at once. It was like they had schedules they had to keep and were doing this testing on their off time. I was waiting to continue the tests at several points because the person was still arriving at the testing location, which also changed. Some of these were the same tests at different locations, with different employees. A few of them weren’t employees of mine, but only after I had passed the lower tests. One of the later tests was being put in a plan cockpit with an actual pilot and I was being tested for not taking control of the airplane to prevent wrecks.

I woke up realizing that it was somehow related to Astaroth and while this was confirmed this morning, there is little to no context of what led to this, why it was necessary, and where it was going.

I got ready for the day’s work and was told that we are done for this week. Kind of threw me for a loop, but all right. There’s no point in arguing.

Concerning the warning(s) of contention listed above, a similar situation did happen today. I didn’t think of the dream or the scrying session, but knew I shouldn’t override the decisions of some of our senior people. I had made a decision with incomplete information (which is usually the case) last week and this week they brought it to my attention that they felt differently with the new minor information obtained. This meant I didn’t have a business reason to veto their objections. They were then implemented. Didn’t affect most people, but did affect a few, so I sought them out to get it sorted on a personal level and this diffused any animosity. Maybe this is why we were done so quickly? Can’t say.

Hail Astaroth!