76 Week Goetia – Bathin

When I went to call Bathin on the 27th, he indicated that I should use two pieces of paper with his sigil on it. This is usually done if they want it under my mattress through the week. But my household goods are being delivered on Tuesday. Eventually, I just asked if I should wait until Tuesday and felt an affirmative response. Not exactly what I was expecting, with this being Saturday, but I respect his wishes and this felt like it was so the dreams would happen throughout the week. Doesn’t mean I’ll remember them, but the work still gets done regardless.

Bathin had me wait for a week, which helped me get a lot done around here. I have to make up a lot of hours with my child’s school schedule, with the other car still in transit, so I really haven’t had the proper time to do any of this. I was grateful and said as much to Bathin.

Today, he signaled it was time.07AUG24. And so it is.

Bathin: “Have a nice (break/rest)?”

Me: “Yes, no. Not as much rest as I would’ve liked.”

B: “What was it, 12 hours yesterday? (I nodded). That isn’t sustainable with the commute on top of it. Not much help at home, really, towards your goals. THings will change. What am I known for?”

M: “Travel, moving things from one place to another. Connolly says Natural Magic and similar.”

B: “What do you think?

M: “I have largely only worked with you for transporting troops and supplies, or the opposite, in the past.”

B: “Whose fault is that?”

M: “It’s not a fault. It was the most logical at the time. I wasn’t approached or coached about anything different in our interactions.”

B: “No, you weren’t.”

He nodded and left.

This may seem like an odd interaction, but he was fishing for my deference. Once of the things I’ve been coached on this past week was not apologizing so much to the spirits, even if it isn’t a spoken one. For example, I had to reorganize the layout of my ritual space (which is still chaotic and usable, but not tidy or orderly). I was refraining from putting anything on the ritual table because the items were mundane or it was “crude”, such as alcohol I wasn’t offering. This conversation seemed like an extension of that.

For several days, Bathin bid me to call him on my walks around the building at work. Nice scenery and Connolly suggests asking him about more Natural magic, which many perceive to mean more ingredient-based things. This may or may not be what she was referring to, but that doesn’t much apply to my practice. I don’t discount that those things CAN be useful. I just lean towards one professionalizing their practice to needing those things less and less – barring practices one simply likes, but doesn’t need to do. I know, it’s not popular, but mimics the same professional use of not needing emotion for fuel for rituals.

Bathin and I would disagree and agree at varying points. At times, he would spit my own beliefs back at me like I didn’t believe them. Sometimes, he even asked me to “prove” I didn’t need an ingredient I could find energetic sources for. He already knew I could. Other times, it was for things I haven’t needed before and I would find a source for it. I’ve spoken of ways to do this on this blog and on my YT channel. He was simply testing my resolve in the face of someone that was an expert in those areas.

He did cause me to wonder WHY this exchange was happening and a few times, I was thinking that there was something I was missing. But no, he was testing my resolve. In an ironic twist I realized AFTER the fact, he was testing my ability to…say…move energies from one place to another. Which is right inline with those use cases I’ve called on him for on the physical side of things with my campaigns.

That same behavior was on display tonight, when I was doing the first evocation/invocation. The exercise is to talk about where one wants to travel. But I’m more interested in the method of traveling. I’ve taken sailing lessons in Baltimore Harbour (not many). I even bought a piece of shit sailboat that I was going to replace the mast step on soI could get more experience with – like a “starter” car one may get for a teen that wishes to drive. Unfortunately, I got selected to go to Hawaii (the first time) and had to get rid of it. It hurt, even if it was a piece of shit.

Here I am, 6 years later, seeing this. It kinda hurt, to be honest. The reason for that was I was told I would be helped with getting one (a POS) here last time and I agreed to help someone. I did so, almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day, with defensive castings, assistance, and similar. It was with some big Goetic names and in the end, I was told I had earned it, but it wouldn’t be happening. I’m no asking for a handout and wasn’t then. This caused some serious issues with those two spirits that persist to this day. One apologized and I will work with that entity. Lucifer didn’t and I don’t work with him outside of calling for others. Working with him wasn’t my idea, btw.

Bathin knows of this, of course. I don’t trust any spirit with this area, but have had a lot of good experiences with Bathin. I was also careful to not ask it of him directly. Just speak about my want of it. I could buy a POS boat now and could’ve for a while, but it’s the accompanying lifestyle that is also wanted. I expect it to be a working lifestyle, but this is stated in the video I recorded of it. For some reason, I felt I should, so I did.

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And there it is. Simple. True. Honest.

It does hurt a bit, but it’s more of a longing. I don’t need a spirit to make parts of it happen. But if they want to chip in to make the stars align, I won’t say no….


Since I’m no big into ingredient witchery, it makes it a little more difficult to do the next part. The one area I felt I could really do that exercise with is to use a piece of tourmaline. There are several different areas where one could do this exercise and I don’t feel like listing them all out. Mostly variations on what I’ve talked about above. But the tourmaline I can do. I have numerous pieces here, most of which I bought the last time I was in Hawaii for Pele to bless for me.

I was focusing on both Bathin and a piece of tourmaline and several thoughts came to mind. One is that they were formed from a volcanic (or similar) activity. It can take the heat and still remain. But it’s also brittle and can flake off quite easily without protection. Sometimes, this is useful and one could see the shedding of old or negative energies as it flakes off. Which will lead me to the ritual I didn’t know I was going to create.


  1. Grab a piece of raw tourmaline.
  2. Talk to the stone and ask it to move the negative energies into a piece that will flake off.
  3. Strike the piece on a hard(er) rock, concrete, or similar OR strike it with an object to flake a piece off.
  4. Ask the stone and/or use divination to determine if more needs to be flaked. Repeat the process as needed.
  5. Thank the piece of tourmaline and replace it in your environment or pouch.

There you go.

There are some variations you might be interested in. This is for a piece of tourmaline one carries or that stays in your environment to soak up negative energies passively. You could also send energy into it from yourself over time or immediately, if it is needed right now. The purpose of flaking it is to remove the energy decisively, rather than just running it under water or putting it in a stream for a few days.

You could collect these flakes, powder them, and use them to dress a cursing candle, if you’d like. Just be sure to send the energy of the tourmaline into it and not any specific “cause”. In other words, send the energy, but not what led to the flaking of the tourmaline so the energy gets sent along and the working isn’t diluted by adding multiple thoughts of targets or trauma into it that aren’t about the current target.

Bathin did just tell me we were done. I was very thankful to have worked with him a bit more than the transactional relationship we’ve had in the past. I look forward to speaking with him again.

Hail Bathin!