76 Week Goetia – Berith

Me: “Thank you for coming.”

Berith: “The second attempt at the sigil wasn’t bad. (I nodded) You typically come to me for changing the metals into gold or preventing the same. Let me tell you this – you need to do more of that work yourself and I will help you do it. Your studies, so sudden, haven’t not been without cause. And I will help with this.”

He left.

He’s referring to my sudden reading and renewed interest in servitors and as he was speaking the above comments, I was shown servitors. As I typically do with servitors, I show them the skill I want them to initially possess and how to do it. He was showing me that I will be learning some of this to a higher degree than I do now. Why? I don’t know. But it does have my attention. I was laying in bed last night and it was on my mind again today – thinking about all of the uses I have for them, but that’s just it – they don’t have to be MY uses for them.

I’m 2 beers in and I grabbed the 76WG book and I hear, “Not yet.” It’s a drink an hour, but still.

M: “I will be more than 2 beers in the next time we talk.” He indicated that was fine.

I was going to do this earlier when I got off of work early and was told to wait, too. 0 beers in. I sent out feelers over the two hour period before I had to drive for a bit and was told “later”, essentially. Including before I exercised.

All right.

He literally waited for me to post that before coming back.

B: “Good, proceed to Evocation 1.”

I hadn’t read Evocation 1, but once I did, I recognized a similar ritual that I had posted years ago during my Lessons of the Deck thread on a forum. There, something unuseful was put into a cauldron, changed, and then pulled back in to continue as the more useful form. This version was similar, but an invocation to Berith happened first and his energy was used to transmute it and not the cauldron itself, as in my version.

Still just 2 beers. Just saying.

Thank you, Berith.

B: “That was quite painful, wasn’t it?”

M: “It was.” (I was reminded last night of how the only person that showed my true, pure love was my grandmother on my father’s side. If I was lucky, I got to see her one weekend a month – if my dad picked us up)

B: “And how could that be transformed?”

M: “I don’t know that it really can in a practical way. I’ve already used it to spur me on, but bringing it up for emotional fuel as motivation isn’t healthy.

B: “It isn’t. And those times when it does peak out, you must handle it productively. Or at least not wallow in it. It’s affecting you today.”

M: “It is. It certainly affected my sleep. Now, I’m tired, slightly depressed, and largely unmotivated.”

B: “Yet, you’re still doing things. That is a positive spin on the situation. Just remember what she did for you and carry those memories and feelings with honor and do works of the same when feeling it.”

B: “You survived (yesterday).”

M: “I did.”

B: “You took my advice and transmuted your attitude (using a combination of learning and doing)”

M: “I didn’t realize it was coming from you. Thank you.”

B: “(He nodded) You should create a servitor that can do that for others and the rare occasion you need it.”

M: “Noted.”

He nodded and left. I will have to work on this soon-ish. I have things to do today that are time dependent.

I started working on this servitor the following day, using a protocol I haven’t used before. There is a suggested period where you ruminate over the proposed features, abilities, etc…and if everything still seems good, then it is given Life and sentience for its work. Today is the day it will be brought to Life.

It’s purpose is to transmute excessive thoughts and feelings that are negative or traumatic or lessen them if they are needed for personal growth.

It is to transmute thoughts towards empowering areas, siphon off excessive thoughts and emotions and help replace them with productive activities they can do. It will also encourage someone to seek help when they are overwhelmed.

It will feed on 0.1% of these emotions while transmuting the rest.

There will be several iterations of this servitor as the wording and teaching gets tweaked. Berith will provide some initial training to the servitor, as transmutation like this is his one of his specialities. I was very thankful for his help with supplementing it’s initial programming with substantial training.

The servitor’s symbol is:

Its name is EmSupTx (Emotional Support Transmute, Transfer, Transform)

Thank you, Berith, for your help and guidance this LONG week. Hail Berith!