Glasya-Labolas: “Would you stop that horrendous phrase. It sucks coming out of your mouth.”
Me: “Thank you for coming. You originally told me to wait a few days and now it’s okay to call you.”
GL: “Are you suggesting I made a mistake?”
M: “No. Being appropriately courteous. Did you have anything else to say?” (He did, but it was explicit and doesn’t add value. He then left).
While this would seem to be a rough start, it is noteworthy. GL usually appears to me as female, not a gruff male. We’ve sparred before as a way of meeting obligations to defend someone I’ve decided to go after in the past (nobody reading this and nobody they likely know personally). Unless it’s one of my Campaigns, I don’t typically call on GL, but could and am comfortable doing so.
The rough presence here doesn’t dissuade me and shouldn’t anyone else. You don’t call on GL because they’re cute and cuddly…
I’ve decided to call on GL (same day) for some answers I’ve been wondering and would like answered. I trust their judgment and GL shouldn’t have reason to misdirect me (entirely). I’ve suspected a few things that I need/want straightened out before I decide if I will act.
GL: “No, he didn’t.”
M: “Which?”
GL: “The child.”
M: “Thank you. I genuinely appreciate that. THere would be no quarter, if he were responsible.”
GL: “Nor should there be. (I could hear both the gruff male and the female voice I’m used to there).”
M: “But he will.”
GL: “You? No intentionally, I don’t think. Not while thinking clearly.” (this was an important distinction)
GL indicated we were done and I asked what incense was preferred. I know I have it in cone form, but will look to see if I still have it in stick.
M: “I’m sorry, I’m not really focused tonight.”
GL: “I gave you an ‘out’.”
M: “You did.”
GL: “And here you are. Upset. Unfocused. Worthless(in some ways).”
M: “And here.”
GL: ” (he nodded) and here. I’ll tell you what…(Let me give you some advice) . You are too ready to nuke (the situation). (I got a bit angry, as I haven’t done anything about this in a while) I know you haven’t. You want it over with. You’ve been watching this unfold for years and have born the brunt of it. I get that. You have had restraint…”
GL: “Have a little more. Let us help without your calling. It will help in the future.”
(I have heard similar in the past and it changed nothing. Being prevented (actively and passively), while being told to wait. It’s been about 5-6 years, for context))
GL: “(He nodded) Wait).”
The other night, I had called out some spirits and stated the obvious – I wasn’t getting what I was asking for and what was agreed to.
“Let us show you what you’re worth” was the answer I kept hearing. This seems pretty similar.
I don’t suffer from a lack of willingness to go alone or giving meager offerings for what I ask for. But things don’t add up in certain areas and I’m pretty much fucking tired of it.
Fine. Show me.
GL: “The world didn’t end. And the message was heard on more subtler levels than you’re used to. So get back to work and continue with my week.”
(I was reading some of the text, which sounds a bit light and ridiculous, given my experiences with this spirit in the past)
GL: “Is it not good enough for you? Is it not HARD enough for you? Do the simple, lighter lessons seem beneath you? Can they not teach you anything?”
M: “You’re intentionally trying to provoke me by adding some truth to more dramatic delivery and you know it.”
GL: “I do.”
M: “I don’t/(One doesn’t) always get the best lessons by hinging them on having to be dramatic or exceptionally serious. You know I learned a a while ago that by the time the lesson gets ‘serious’, other chances to learn it have already gone by.”
GL: “This is true. But not for the situation last night. Continue on (reading). … Skip the Dreamwork (for now).” Ah, the Invocation. We’re right back where we started.”
(The Invocation involves working on the situation that was chosen for this week, but I hadn’t chosen the situation and he’s referring to this situation I’ve been working on for years).
GL: “True, true. And it’s still here. Despite your efforts. Despite your resentment. Despite your disappointment. It is still here.”
M: “It is. I’ve been prevented at some points, with open admission. In others, I sensed I wasn’t being as reasonable as I expect myself to be. And we both know I still harbor resentment to some of the spirits that I worked for to take care of this, if needed, and circumvent it to not matter for the rest. “
GL: “(He was nodding with ful understanding). This will eat away at you until it is achieved.”
(He left. It was a circular conversation that didn’t do anything but bring up the same things I’m aware of already and have dealt with for 5-6 years now).
For the second evocation/invocation/curse, GL indicated I should scry.
M: “My Lord, Glasya-Labolas, you have indicated that I should scry with you. That you show me that which I should know and guide the session which I am entering blindly.”
I see a battlefield of sorts with a man standing there with either a wolf head or a wolf hood. It’s a mask of some sorts it seems. He is turning around to look at me, but I can’t quite see who it is. They know I’m there, but I don’t know where I am (in this specific area). It’s pretty obvious they’re waiting for me or rather, waiting for the right time. I just seem to be in the way and need dealt with. I don’t know that it’s really that personal.
GL: “But it was.”
I’m seeing somebody that was sort of shoved aside because I came along. Not intentionally. I think this is relating to my work. I think somebody was shoved along and there was this kind of “biding their time” to stick in some barbs. I don’t know how serious it is, but it’s serious enough and I’m being shown this and can pick it up. I know this is probably something significant in a way, but not necessarily life changing. I don’t think it is, but that may depend on me. But it’s certainly something I need to be aware of, to watch out for, perhaps circumvent?
GL: “That is what I wanted you to know.”
M: “Thank you, my Lord. But I suspect we are not done.”
GL: “Put the orb away.”
(the ritual)
He had me grab a black candle. It seems we’re also going to do a curse. I think I know (how), but I may not know who this actually is. So instead of asking for a visual reference, such as a face or identifying feature, I will ask for an energetic signal. I think I know what he wants from me.
I got the signature and pulled it into the candle, anchoring it there a little. It’s just a focal point. I then started pulling energy from the link with this signature, stuffing that which I grab into the candle until the candle felt “full”. I was going to compact it and keep going, but was told to stop.
GL: “That is good. Now offer it to me, as a sacrifice to me.”
M: “My Lord, Glasya-Labolas, I offer the energy of this person to you whose signature you gave to me and who’s energy I pulled until I filled the candle enough that you told me to stop. I offer this to you and thank you for making me aware of this issue and providing convenient way to subtly let them know. I know it will not go unnoticed and this is where I want them. Hail to you and thank you.”
We were done. Hail Glasya-Labolas!