for me… Bad news for some of those people that continue to wish ill upon me and I don’t really understand why they continue.
I largely live my practice with a perspective that I tend to see things in a non-Occult way until it’s shown that they are. I don’t go looking for enemies or boogeymen. I don’t get cut off in traffic and then wonder if I’m cursed. This is the East Coast – everybody gets cut off in traffic.
I do have friends and know of people that have a tendency to see things as from the magical point of view instead of the simpler you probably more logical normal world view. It’s simply not the approach I take. I’ve found that this seems to mean I have a more boring life, which provides me time to help others that feel they are constantly have magical strife. Sometimes they do.
I did spend several years actively engaged in magical battles largely for other people who usually need protected, so I’m pretty sure I know what it’s like if I’m getting attacked. Or if people’s magic is against me (most of it doesn’t make it through my defenses) or my personal energy field but there are still signs when it happens. Shifting of energies and things like that. I’m not prone to searching for boogeymen because I pissed somebody off with an opinion. Most people’s attacks, especially emotional-based attacks, lack substance. If you use emotion as your primary fuel, don’t waste your time on me. Or do and get it out of your system. I probably won’t know the difference, if you aren’t WELL above this pretend “Adept” level that isn’t defined. I largely won’t worry if you’re a “Master”, either, to be honest.
Unfortunately for my detractors, I am going to be stepping up again and moving back to Hawaii. It’s 90% guaranteed and instead of the worker bee position I had applied for I’m moving into management officially, instead of the quasi management I am now.
Clearly this is a much more beneficial position for me to be in. I had to gain the skills and responsibility for my main job and this role that I’m in.
I set my intent and let the universe bring it to me I didn’t cast anything for this to happen. I did however in my daily cultivation and, when the interviews drew near, ask The Immortal Fox to “please let the interview go well if this was a good opportunity for me” and if it was not, to please intervene before we started the sixth month process to move.
The interview went well and, as is my fashion, I didn’t upstage myself. I was asked an hour after the interview if I would accept a management position in the same group. When the offer letter came, it was listed as a management position – which will then set me up for some positions in Europe that I wanted and I didn’t quite have the management qualifications on paper for those areas they should change that.
I do have to admit that for all the things I didn’t like about Hawaii, I am a little excited to go back. I want to commune with Pele in her backyard again. I want to visit the Buddhist temple on the North Shore. I want better pictures for Pele’s Grimoire. I wish to feel more of the land and the spirits in it.
I won’t like the traffic or the congestion from tourists. I won’t like the excessive prices that are even more expensive than here. There have been several times in the past 12 months that I really felt I should go back to Hawaii, a genuine missing of parts of it (rare for me and a location) and now it will happen.
So, things are progressing.
I do plan on adding more rituals to the grimoire that are a little bit more aligned with the energy rituals and practices I’ve been doing with YouTube stuff. There are still some natural energies there that I need to connect with in their space, on that native soil for them to then validated for when I move elsewhere. I need to know they can still be connected to as easily or find a mechanism for doing – so similar to a gate.
Just because you have people against you doesn’t mean that good things can’t happen, big things can’t happen. Most magical wars are more bark than bite. Most magical wars are more about fear and apprehension than someone genuinely skilled that’s actually going to wreck your world.
So, why bring it up? Why associate it with Hawaii? Because I wanted to give at least some sort of demonstration that you don’t have to use Magic directly (rituals) to always get what you want or what’s best for you. I know it’s popular to both think you have to pay for something with physical work or similar to get something you want to happen. It doesn’t always have to work that way. There are people they get what they want and they don’t have to pay anything for it. Some people will say that that’s just loaded onto the back end (debt to be paid) but they don’t really know. Most of those opinions that I’m thinking of right now are usually people stuck in dogma that think that you always have to pay for everything. Obviously I believe differently, BUT if I ask a spirit or two for something and pay for it, I expect something from it, if that task was accepted.
I did want to point out that I did do actions that would help set up the ability for me to move into those areas. This will in turn set me up for moving into areas I want later on. I didn’t get what I wanted, which was Europe, but I did get a good opportunity that can set me up for Europe later on with the role and responsibilities. Pretty hard to argue that being able to go to Hawaii for 3 years and get paid extra for doing so is any sort of failure. It took planning. It took hard work in sending my Will to the universe to then pull those opportunities and paths to me.
I would encourage you that if you are looking for big changes, big moves, then you should come up with a mundane and magical plan that will get you there or near it. The mundane changes – otherwise known as actions and skills – will be needed to support you when you step up to that next level or two. Magic should be more of the icing on the cake that you have already prepared to bake, if you wanted to be consistent and have fewer ill side effects from pursuing it. I have friends that would disagree and that’s fine any of those points of view are still valid.
I’m suggesting that you should consider a similar approach for as smooth a ride as possible. Not only does it prepare you and help bring the path to you, but it helps make the next step up after that a smaller step than having to continuously apply Magic to try to catch up to the skill set needed for that job or opportunity. What would really suck is to get that job not be able to perform it properly and lose it. You may then have a problem finding another opportunity of the same level to get back on track and get you where you want to be.
I think the last thing I want to bring up is that I did ask a trusted entity to let the opportunity fall through if it wasn’t good for me and my family. Yes, I had other interviews planned on Hawaii, but I wanted to take advantage of the different viewpoint that they have. I would rather miss the opportunity than to be stuck in a bad one that I would be miserable in, given all the things I know I don’t like.
That does take some trust. Also takes confidence- both in the spirit and in myself. I would also encourage anyone that’s read this far to consider using a similar approach with opportunities to make sure that they’re a better fit than it may seem. I have been in jobs where they tried to sell you the Moon and the environment was horrible. After that experience, I had a lot of hesitation and fear that I wouldn’t be able to see a similar thing happen before getting stuck in a similar situation. Prior to Magic, it was kind of anybody’s guess – entrusting my gut which I didn’t do that first time. Now, I can ask a trusted entity that is interested in helping me with that and so I did.
Since this entry is more of a brain dump, more of a personal entry than anything instructive, I don’t think I’ll have any really good closing argument to make. But I hope that this may have given you some ideas about how to approach the next part of your physical Ascendancy, Material Ascendancy, to go along with your spiritual work.
If you have any questions about how I send out to the universe or similar it’s pretty similar to the sonar sensing technique I posted here and in YouTube. You’re just sending the intention out to the universe in a more direct way. I can try to describe it more for you in an email but I think I would just be rambling here to do so.
So, good luck! Don’t let your detractors keep you in a state of fear or stop you from getting what you want. Some of you have been following me for several years now – four to five – and we’ll know that where I started out with this employer and where I am now has come pretty far. It’s the biggest fuck you to anyone that doesn’t like that you keep going forward in that upward spiral that they can’t seem to stop.
Every journey requires moving forward. Don’t let them keep you standing still.