I recently made a post on YouTube where I recorded the contact I made with a spirit I woke up from the Ziggurat of Ur. The video is located here:
I have a lengthy type up in the description where I went over a few of the details and I’ll go over some of those again here. Mostly, this is a continuation of the post ritual impressions and some context to give it more weight. It’s not the most thrilling video – being mostly in the dark – but it was certainly necessary to perform.
The illness I referenced was that after I came back from Iraq. I had a lot of breathing problems where it literally hurt to breathe and this breathing pain lasted for about 10 years. It still comes back every now and then, but there’s never been a cure or even a cause found for why it was happening to begin with. I pursued years worth of medical tests to try to find reasons for it and none of them showed anything. The breathing pain aside, there are the random aches and pains that occur but it’s affected my immune system most of all in this longer term…I guess you could say the second 10 years.
I am known for keeping up a grueling regimen for my magical work and assisting others. Even lessening this hasn’t helped much. Most of my practice involves cycling energies, different types of energies in different ways. Some of those for health benefits, some of those are for stress specifically. Some are just to build up the energy body. These have had a beneficial effect and help me significantly, but they’ve never gotten rid of the cause. Immune supplements don’t seem to do anything either. It wasn’t for 20 years that I even remotely suspected that there may be in Occult cause either causing this or facilitating it. I don’t like to jump to Occult conclusions if there are mundane answers that are more logical. This doesn’t change that.
It’s been about 48 hours since I concluded that ritual. Largely feeling much better, but this could just be the cold going away. What I know is different is that I can still feel the entity. I haven’t called him again yet. I can feel the link and I can feel his gaze and I know he feels mine. I did think about using the history of the Ziggurat to try to put a name on this entity, but anytime I think of that I get almost a disapproval from that link, so I don’t have anything concrete to add there. I can say that when I see him in my head, when I turn my gaze to him, I could see he’s sitting on a sort of throne or similar flanked by one of those messengers/servants. Sometimes he’s holding a staff. I can’t quite see what’s on the top of the staff and that’s being purposely obscured. It does remind me a lot of some of the paintings I’ve seen of Sumerians and Egyptians and since this was an area of Sumerians I will probably start looking more towards that history and see if I can intuit anything more.
He did speak earlier and said that he wants me to write down the experiences with him in a separate book – to create a grimoire of unknown size. When I started thinking of the different sizes of journals that I have available right now, the sizes seemed insignificant. So, they’re either larger than they need to be or there’s going to be multiple.
One thing that I do believe I know is that it has to do with both the Sun and the Moon – the energy from the Sun on the sand and the energy from the opposite which I have felt before when working with Tiamat. I don’t know if it’s mainly the Sun mainly the Moon it’s only this entity or if there are others. I expect that I will start this work soon and of course it will progress at the at the pace dictated by this entity in the amount of time I have to put towards it with my move to Hawaii and my current daily work.
I am interested to see where this is going to go and a little apprehensive when I know so little. This isn’t the first time I’ve been approached and told I need to write down on things in a grimoire but the last situation similar to this, but without the history, was when I spoke to Pele on Hawaii Island. I’m pretty certain that my work with Pele will continue to grow – especially once I get to the islands again. I guess it remains to be seen how much time and energy this new work will also demand and I hope I can meet that challenge.