Still ongoing. I’ve noticed that there have been some tag-teaming going on between Shadow Woman and Colossal. Mostly to start arguments or put things out of proportion. Nothing unmanageable and this is largely on the home-front. Typically, this is seen for what it is and I then actively try to adjust any “ambient” energy causing some of the conflict to bring it more closely back to neutral.
Work is mainly where Colossal has been working his magic. Some of the people I work with know I’m leaving by June for another duty station and this has meant that we were going to get cut out of some decision-making processes – but we’d get stuck with a fair amount of the work. Once my supervisor said something about it, I realized he was right and nipped that one. Maybe with…a little…intent to go with the email. That’s been resolved, but I expect it to continue.
I have caught myself getting ready to speak without…maybe…enough consideration for how something should be said. But, I caught myself. It was by a hair a few times and I’m positive it would’ve…not gone as well as the (more) properly worded version. That is part of Colossal’s area.
I’ve been trying to make sure I speak up a little more than I have in the past. Judiciously. It makes it a bit awkward that I’ll be going and still having to make decisions that will affect how things will run this year for my group, knowing someone else may be coming in around June. If they find someone that fast. That’s the tricky part. These types of things can’t be done by contractors (officially) and even if they could, there aren’t any with my depth and breadth in this area (or close) that could slide in and take over. Makes the power dynamics a bit tricky when the future is 100% predicted and everyone knows it.
Where I was really expecting trouble was with the move to Hawaii. Still plenty of time for Legion and Co. to cause problems and I’m sure they will when they feel the time is right. Some big wins in this area so far and, frankly, that leaves me thankful and cautious.
What I also need to do is create a working that forces people to stay home when they’re sick. I know they have the time off and their schedule is flexible with deliverables with so many people out of the office this time of year. We’re all passing around new variants of each other’s germ-love. Hmmm. Is that desire to do that being influenced by Colossal? Lol, I’d probably take that bait.