After a pause in Goetic-heavy workings, I have finally been pushed/nudged/urged/persuaded to finally undertake the 76 Week Goetia by S. Connolly. I’ve had the book for a while and haven’t felt the timing was right.
I have worked through the Kasdeya previously and that can be found on the Occult Mirror Kasdeya thread I created. This isn’t quite the same. While I always expect to be challenged and experience growth in various ways, I don’t think this is quite what I’m doing here.
In truth, I’m not sure what I’m going to get out of this.
I do know I will put in the work. I know I will adapt the schedule to my upcoming move times in May and June (house hunting and move).back to Hawaii.
Quite frankly, I’m also working on a Gates grimoire for celestial spaces in various areas not considered by standard, rigid Ceremonial tables. Both dark and light. Still doing the daily Maoshan and Fox Magic cultivation. Right now, in February, I’m doing the Taji100. Lot going on.
I will be working through the 76WG with the knowledge that I will miss some times and will make those up. Having already relocated to the same place, 4,000 miles away, time will be lost and the spirits understand that. More than a few have come to say they understand that.
Finally, if you’re daunted by the times listed for the spirits, each “week” is 10 days there, but the work encompasses 7. There are also other listings given for times. I was told to start and that doesn’t line up with someone else’s arbitrary timelines based on bullshit astronomy that hasn’t seemed to be right about anything but what was almost predicted, what “should” have been thought of, and nothing of value but generalities for the future that I could get from a magic 8-ball or a bland “Chinese” fortune cookie.
So, Bael, Week 1, said “Screw It Let’s Do It” (SILDI) and was in ritual tonight. Shazam!