Pele’s Grimoire – Preparing for Publication

I finally decided to start getting my 4 year old grimoire for publication through Amazon. Hopefully, it will be on there in a few months. This whole moving back to Hawaii thing has meant that I can’t just go out to my ritual space and start putting together ritual photos for the book. Since I haven’t moved, I also can’t go and snap some photos to put in there instead. Still in Maryland for a little under two weeks.

I have reread the whole thing and I was really surprised at how well I remembered the events, the places, where this stuff was taught. I can’t remember the trail name where she breathed on my neck, but I can see the spot in my head in Hawaii Volcanoes national park. I remember when Hi’iaka showed me the grass cord cutting method. I remember where I first felt Kamohoali’i’s presence on a coastal hike. Lol, the spell check thought “Kamohoali’i’s” should’ve been “Alcoholics”. Wth?

Some of you may be asking why I’m publishing a grimoire that’s been available for free online for a while. Part of it is because online sources come and go. I’ve moved some things around, too that were out of order in my original online Google Docs copy. Another is because I’m working on Pele’s second grimoire and some of those skills will be needed to get the most out of it (the parts I’m aware of). Amazon has a larger reach than my little blog that sat dormant for over a year.

It has been enjoyable to reread and see where I came from to where I’m at now. Pretty large gap and I’m quite pleased with my progress. Not “satisfied”, but I’m trying to cut myself some slack. I’ve done a lot and even if I’ll never meet my own expectations, which shift upwards as I get close, I can say that I’ve made substantial progress in several areas. Like what?

Working with land spirits. That journey started with my Pele work and continues to this day. During my house hunting trip, I was recognized by land spirits I hadn’t met before, even in places I’d been a half dozen times while I was there the first time. This has led to the formation of 3 of the anchors at some of those places for the second grimoire. I can see some of the land spirits around this neighborhood actively disrupting things in people’s property because there is a disconnect between those people and the land. I largely stay out of it, but that isn’t an issue on mine, with one hive friendly and another slightly further away that isn’t.

Connecting to more complex raw energy types. Those lessons of connecting to the land around me, specific patches or small regions has meant that with continued practice, I can pull energy from places I’ve never been. I’ve done this with some of the conflict zones when I want to send some deserving asshole a little “love bite” without wasting my own energy and then having to flavor it and firing it off. Since I’m not pulling it inside, it doesn’t take much to then remove that from myself afterwards to get back to “normal”.

Learning to work with each element did help me understand more about the elementally balanced circle. I used it as directed for my work through for the Kasdeya, but typically don’t use them these days. Once I was much better intune with feeling the energies when doing it, I realized I don’t largely need to do it with my current practice. Naturally, if it is called for with something I’m working through, then I’ll use it, but it doesn’t add anything with a lot of the stuff I’m currently doing.

One of the most beneficial things that I got from putting her grimoire out there is the courage to do so in the face of an excessively emotional response to “appropriation”. When you’re not Polynesian and putting out a grimoire about a few of them, you expect it. It did delay my initial posts, but it didn’t stop them. Why?

Because people don’t own the Gods and Goddesses. They can only own their path to them.

I expect some appropriation nonsense will find its way into the comments on Amazon, but I don’t care. If enough of her own people were speaking about here, she wouldn’t have bothered with this Haole.

I had a really good time reliving and remembering all of these experiences. I’m dreading dropping the Google Doc into KDP format and dealing with that monstrosity, but it can’t be helped. SInce my laptop is on its way out and I don’t plan on buying another (my table with a keyboard is working just fine for this), there’s going to be some pain involved. I’ll be sure to post when it’s out!