76 Week Goetia – Beleth


I had already felt Beleth’s presence earlier, when he said I could put this off until the weekend. I didn’t feel I should, but couldn’t figure out why and hadn’t looked. I completed my daily Maoshan rituals (which I haven’t done daily lately), made my Solstice offerings, and felt something wasn’t “done” that should be. This was it. After the conversation, it made sense why. Thank you, Beleth.

Me: “Please come my Lord Beleth. I wait for you.” (I had done several respectful callings already)

Beleth: “I am here.”

M: “My Lord Beleth, it has been a lot longer than I expected. I apologize for the delay.”

B: “Is moving several thousand miles a minor task even in these times?”

M: “It is not, but, I thank you all the same my Lord.”

B: “Proceed.”

M: “My Lord Beleth, as you know I am contacting you on behalf of the 76 Week Goetia. You are the spirit for Week 13. I ask that you guide me through this week as I follow the syllabus that is written or the instructions that you provide should you decide to deviate from that.”

B: “I will and I will not (follow the syllabus). You have a current situation in your household that will require some intervention on my behalf, will it not?”

M: “Yes my Lord. My son is not adjusting well to the move – a move he did not want to begin with. One of our cats, his favorite, is still in quarantine which I have done workings (and petitions) to help shorten, but that does not reduce how it affects us when we go to visit her daily. She has still not recovered her personality and this affects my son greatly.”

B: “Does it not also affect you?”

M: “It does. You know it does.”

B: “Very well. I will help with this (also).”

M: “Thank you. Is there something I can do for this help?”

B: “Keep doing what you’re doing now, but you also meant offerings and I do not require any for this. But it would ask for some of your wine.”

M: “Most certainly. (He indicated we were done)”

This may seem informal for a serious concern, but Beleth and I have interacted before. First with my Lessons of the Deck thread and more frequently with my…International…work when I call for volunteers to assist with events I want to influence and wrongs I want to at least try to “right”. These interactions are reflected here.

What’s also happened was I was going to continue my work with the 76WG, but was told not to. I knew weeks would get drug out and I would have no privacy. We landed on Monday, having been up and stressed out for over 24 hours Tuesday for rest and household necessities. Wednesday for similar and I was told to wait for the 76WG – I would be doing it because I ‘should’. Today,

Thursday, was the day. Beleth was quite accommodating, as they can sometimes be.If you have a reputation with them, it helps quite a bit. Notice I didn’t say what kind. I’ve been both helpful and not, actively contributing and deliberately hindering, depending on the relationship at that time. Never had any problems with Beleth, for the record, but I don’t expect kid gloves and know that when I invite ANY spirit, not just Goetics, into my live and sphere for a time, you better expect change. Again, notice I didn’t say what kind…

For the dream work, I was given two series of dreams that I can vaguely still remember. In both cases, I had to do with work. Work was the backdrop. It wasn’t really important to the messages themselves. The people involved with these work backdrops were impossible combinations so this led me to understand that the message were more important than the nuances of the areas that were problems.

In both cases they had to do with problems that I couldn’t directly solve, but I could in some way contribute either now or to coach and help them at some future time. But I couldn’t directly do the work for them which was the other part that was important to understand. I was simply helping them navigate and deal with the situations that they were then going to have to overcome themselves. It was pressed on me several times during these dreams that I was in a sense powerless to directly help, but that didn’t mean that I couldn’t help in some other way. The important part was to realize this, see ways that I could help, and then do those little things that I could do while guiding them with advice that I felt appropriate.

It would be a fair question to ask why would Beleth want some of these lessons to be so apparent, such as the limits to usefulness and aid I could give? It’s a several pronged message for me personally. I start my new role next Monday and in this role I will be in most likely a similar situations. Beleth was likely giving me scenarios and let me figure out some of these sort of issues before I get there.

These lessons are still appropriate with the situation of my household that I wrote about earlier in this week. I have to let my son deal with and process these changes that have been thrust upon him and there isn’t much I can really directly do for him with this. This is something the only he can really deal with and I can only be supportive and give guidance. Maybe that guidance will be soft and softly spoken. Maybe other times we’ll have to be a little bit harsher, but I don’t lean towards harsh and overbearing when it isn’t necessary.

Thank you, Beleth.


I went to call on Beleth and felt he was near. I had a beer handy and asked if he wanted some. I also had a small, rechargable fan handy. An offering was made. I invited him in to taste the beer and then invited him towards my face to feel the fan. It seems like such a…not offering,..but things like that are really appreciated. I was reminded while typing this that I used to do similar things with Hel, Hecate, and Pele the last time I was here. I would invite them in to see things through my eyes, feel the sun on my skin, smell the fragrances, etc… I’m reminded right now of inviting some in to see particularly vivid rainbows. It’s a “lesson” I had forgotten. While typing this, Beleth is enjoying the fan on my neck. If he were higher, he said, it would influence the experience on my end more. There IS still work to do.

Here, we’re supposed to see how his energy affects us, what comes to mind, etc… I’m being reminded of cooperation, but in my younger years. Of working with and enjoying company for that small amount of time, knowing it was transient, less than a few weeks, yet bonding all the same. I didn’t bond well as a child, with all of the moves, so I normally kept to myself. It reminds me a fair amount of the neighborhoods I’ve lived in since working for the government. Lots of transient, err, transition. People rotating out. Has a tendency to breed communities/households that keep to themselves, but does it really?

People get a fair amount of their “social” interactions online these days. How does that change things? Does it, really? I don’t fully know and suspect I won’t for a long while.

He indicated we were done.

The ritual with Beleth isn’t the easiest out there, but with some practice, it’s a pretty handy skill to have.

  1. Put a boundary around the sigil of Beleth. Circle, square, drawn or just your hands, doesn’t matter.
  2. Keep your question in mind that you’d like insight into.
  3. Calm yourself similarly to how one would to perform astral projection. A deep calm is good enough.
  4. Focus on the sigil of Beleth and push yourself mentally through it.
  5. Watch and experience the scene to gain the insight you need for the situation.
  6. When finished, return and ground until you feel normal. Write the experience down, if desired.

Today, was another Invocation or Evocation to ask for Beleth’s help on a matter. But it didn’t seem as worthwhile, since my original problem is still playing out. 1 week for serious problems is a pretty short time span when you’ve largely handled the low and medium hanging fruit – my life isn’t a trainwreck and hasn’t been for some time.

I would like to point out that I was nudged towards a public charter school at work, meeting my new coworkers. This school was similar to ones we had heard about, but has a lot more documentation and there are some contacts on the board that my coworker has. They have no financial incentive to do this, so that helped with the credibility gap from not knowing them. We’re looking into it, for sure.

Beleth, if you had a hand in this, then thank you.

M: “I thank you my lord Beleth, for the advice and guidance you’ve given me this week. I have already noticed and improvement in my son. Thank you.

B: “You’re welcome now kindly blood my socials you wrote for me burn them and I shall be on my way.”

Hail Beleth!