76 Week Goetia – Sallos

Sallos: “You don’t think you have enough time.”

Me: “I haven’t even drawn your sigil yet.”

S: “Is that somehow a requirement? (I was silent). Do the Mediation later. Or don’t. Place the extra sigil under your bed. Or don’t. It will work (out).”

He was done, but accepted some incense as he left.

He was referring to my time concerns with dinner getting ready to be done in less than 15 minutes. Sometimes these initial dialogues can take a while and he was pretty clear that to get it started was more important that that. Fair enough


My dream stuff with Sallos last night was very different. Not at all what I was expecting. The parts I remember started with me planning a wedding with my literal ex-wife. In the dream, which I knew was a dream not long after it started, was like we had never been married the first time and yet at the same time we had memories of it. We haven’t talked in 20 some years and it’s only very rarely that I genuinely wonder how she’s doing. I’m sure that’s mutual. No hard feelings. 

The wedding itself holds some clues. There were two sides of the wedding – mine and hers largely split across family lines and interests. I don’t remember having any feelings about the wedding itself, but I do remember putting in a tremendous amount of planning for activities that for some reason I wanted in there – such as me boxing in a ring knowing I was going to get my ass kicked. So I was taking care of my details and she was taking care of hers. I don’t know what hers even were. It wasn’t the important part of it. 

What seemed to be the most important part of my theme in this dream is that putting the details into action basically delayed it until I missed the wedding. And largely missed the reception. Somehow the wedding was still valid even though I wasn’t present for the ceremony. And by the time I got done just grabbing things I needed for my half, hers was over. I for some reason I had to physically pick these up even though they were going to this wedding and reception. I had to do it. It had to be me and nothing was where it was supposed to be. I remember calling some of my family members waiting at my reception area and having them tell me where these items were. I don’t recall any of the items themselves, so they weren’t really important.

I’d realized pretty early on that I was dreaming. It was kind of interesting that there were no fantastical elements to it. Everything looked and largely acted just like you would in real life. I mean I could smell the mold in some of these people’s basements where I was trying to find things. It was pretty incredible because I know this person is pretty fastidious and would not have left their basement in that order. Or some of their closets that looked abandoned and had black and green mold everywhere. 

The dream basically ended with me getting a phone call from my ex-wife. I recognized her voice in the dream and she said that because the marriage wasn’t consummated, it was going to be annulled. And I remember thinking in the dream after hearing this that I knew some of it was my fault, but I also knew we weren’t compatible. It was going to fail anyhow. I felt bad for her but only to a point, because it was obvious that I had to take care of my own stuff and she had to take care of hers. The reason that was happening was because we were largely doing two different ceremonies. It was really more about the ceremonies than about that relationship. 

I’m really not sure exactly why I had that dream but I know who sent it. Sallos had asked me to bend over last night and then I felt some pressure on the top of my head right before I went to bed. I assumed it was part of his dream work. So there’s absolutely no question in who sent that dream and that it wasn’t just for me.

And since it was so obvious from Sallos, I do thank you for whatever lesson this was for me.

A lot of this week is about invoking Sallos or just his energies and using that to boost confidence. I don’t necessarily have a problem with confidence. I should also state that he wanted me to write this down and it will count as this day’s work.

I’ve done a lot of different things. Lots of hard and complex things. Some people collect dolls and figurines. I collected skills – a variety of them, so I could vary and create a significant amount of breadth, even if I chose not to continue with that skill for depth. I’ve had the same sort of experiences with my employment, even being with the same employer since 2016. This variety of experience was why I’ve moved to Hawaii a few times now (likely the last).

My confidence doesn’t come from Success only. Failure is a valuable set of experiences, too. Arguable moreso, since you have to find another way to get it down from failing, but only one successful path is typically good enough. My confidence is rested on both of those experiences. And sometimes I didn’t get a chance to do it over. Such as…

…the last time I was in Hawaii. I enrolled in a hacking course that was difficult to get into. It had time gates for getting to certain points in the course, with tests between those points that one also had to pass. And I failed too many times at one part of those and had to leave the course. This was tied to my job, but I wasn’t told that it was needed for my position and was presented as “we want you to take this course for situational awareness”. So, I prepared for “situational awareness” only and almost found myself up shit creek without a paddle. I was still needed for my role and I could show what the expectations were for me entering the course.

That was a near-complete failure and as much as it stung my pride, it ended up increasing my confidence in my ability to tackle similar things. How so? Because one of the things I struggled with was the rigid learning schedule. I already knew I need more time than most of my peers I typically catch up to or surpass them in the end, but sometimes struggle in the beginning. Instead of bringing this up, I tried to keep up at the recommended pace, even when this was resulting in some more shorter-term, superficial learning. Ironically, some of this material I already knew, but was putting so much pressure on myself to keep up that I was causing more substantial anxiety, which affects my ability to think creatively to solve the problems in this course – which was critically needed.

Not whining. Not complaining. It was a valuable lesson and one I learned when I left Hawaii to go back to Maryland. Those lessons helped me navigate the steep learning curve in various areas by getting some familiarity with the overall subject matter, to reduce anxiety and the “this is something new and important” feelings that could help cause it. Two years later, I was the SME and Lead Analyst for those topics.

What do I suggest if this resonates with you? I would listen to Youtube videos outside of work for a bit, sometimes listen to them as background while I worked, AND took time away from this topic, too. The info needs to percolate, so don’t be afraid to take time off from listening to things about that. Mental, physical, and emotional rest are important parts of learning and preventing burnout over time.

This seems like a good stopping point and was more than he was expecting from me.

Invocation/Evocation 2 could be done several different ways. I decided to call on Sallos via scrying.

I saw Sallos inside the tourmaline ball and acknowledged him.

S: And what question did you have for me?”

M: “I wanted to ask about the longevity of X.”

S: “You already know about this.”

M: “Do I?”

S: “You do. You’ve been preparing for it. (You’ve been) waiting for it to happen. It has not. But you still prepare.”

(I didn’t say anything)

S: “Because you must. The signs and symptoms you’ve been seeing are real. Some would clear up with some prevention/intervention, which you’ve been mentioning and somewhat helping to initiate. You can’t force them to do it. Neither can (another family member). The other day, you recommended (an activity) that would help stave this off, perhaps even prevent it. It was declined and there’s nothing you can do about that (the rejection or forcing it with guilt or similar). I would suggest you keep preparing. ” (He indicated we were done)

There’s someone I’m close to that has a family history of heart issues in their 50’s. Several heart attacks, necessary open heart surgery that left lasting issues, etc… I/m seeing signs more frequently that *may* be similar and this is genuine cause for concern. I can’t force someone to take care of themselves. Hell, I don’t take care of myself properly either, but I do make efforts.

That’s enough for this round. Thank you, Sallos.

The Swapping Ritual

This ritual was given to me by Sallos to help remove, readjust, or replace connections and feelings from one person to one or more targets. Naturally, this could be used for beneficial purposes, like getting over a toxic ex. It could also be used to sow confusion (confusing feelings and links), creating a link to help kindle a new love, or anything similar. If I’m being honest, I don’t think it will work on some crush you have on a movie star without doing some other work to enable (healthy) contact with that person. I would make reasonable requests or they will likely be blown off.

  1. First, make sigils or use names of the people whose connections you want to break, reduce, remove, etc.
  2. Draw a connecting line between them to represent their current connection.
  3. Draw the sigil of Sallos over this line (as part of it). Call Sallos and visualize that his energies are now standing between those two people/parties.
  4. Describe the current situation regarding the connection and as for Sallos’s intervention with it.
  5. Cut the connection to the right and left of Sallos’ sigil, destroying the connection twice.
  6. Draw a new connecting line to one or more people whose connections you would want them to have.
  7. Draw Sallos’ sigil on these connections.
  8. Ask Sallos to help forge a stronger connection to these new people. These can be positive or negative connections.
  9. When you have made your case and feel Sallos has agreed, present your offerings (now or later, however agreed upon), and burn the paper.
  10. Thank Sallos for coming and allow him to stay or leave at your comfort level.
  11. Rejoice!

There are some things I want to point out that I know will make a difference with this ritual. The first is that you need ot make your case with Sallos, but you don’t need to gush over it for hours. If that’s what you need for your own self, then I would direct it into a candle as an offering to him to do with as he pleases. Being serious and resolute with it is enough, if he agrees and thinks you’re being genuine.

Another is that you’ll notice I didn’t say anything about what offering to leave and that’s somewhat based on what you’re asking for. What is this worth to you? How easily achievable is it? Did you use your intuition or some divination method to see if your offering was enough? You might be surprised at what counts as “enough”. He showed me he’s done “hard” workings before for a cup of tea he really enjoyed/wanted. How often do you think people sing to him? Wouldn’t that be more of a “special” or “unique” offering? What if all you could part with was sharing some of your meal with Nature? What if you were about to lancet yourself and feel that a simple incense cone would be just as welcome? Due to my history and making use of ability, I invited him in for three small mouthfuls of wine and said he could invite others in. I could tell that doesn’t happen often and it was something I was going to do anyhow, just did it on his schedule and allowed the others in.

Sallos told me we were done after this ritual was finally typed up for others to see.

Hail Sallos!