It’s a cold night with a nice fire. I can get behind that.
Thanksgiving is coming up and while that holiday can be a bit heated in some arguments, it’s really not in mine. It does cause some reflection and usually that means that I’m thinking of largely where I came from and what I’ve had to do to get here. Thankfully there aren’t too many things that I can say I’m not really proud of that haven’t been “redeemed” or similar. Some of those were supposed to happen for my own personal growth and that can be kind of hard to understand at the time and maybe for some time afterwards – that’s usually the case for me.
Since this is more an Occult and Magical blog then we should probably stay within that realm keep it on topic a bit more focused.
If we turn that towards the magical world and if I’m being completely honest one of the things I am most thankful for is Hecate. The reason for being very thankful for/to her is because I knew when she came when I was in Hawaii that she was not going to let me look the other way. She wasn’t going to let me just back off, slide into the shadows, and I knew this. It was a bit terrifying at the time. Something like that I hadn’t experienced before. I’ve had a lot of different occult experiences throughout my life, but when a goddess shows up and I knew she was not leaving, I was pretty intimidated. I don’t mind saying that. I’m really thankful that she wouldn’t let me slide back into the shadows like I prefer to do. I’m not a limelight person. I don’t want the attention. I like community and I like some interaction, but I’m still a person of the shadows so it does make sense that that it was Hecate that came. I mean she’s the goddess of thieves. They also like to hide in the shadows.
I’m taking this time to thank her for being so persistent. I’ve been helped greatly by other spirits, too. I’m not discounting what they’ve done by any means. I think this post should just be a thanks to her. I know I’ve said it in other places other forums that I’ve been a part of. Those posts may still be up or they may not. I don’t know. Likely buried and lost in hundreds of other posts potentially. I can do this one post here and and give her the credit I think she absolutely deserves.
So thank you my Dark Queen. I appreciate what you’ve done for me.