Energy work is the core of my practice. If I use materials, it’s either because it’s practical or the act, actions on it, and/or the cost is of importance. This is really just a beginning head’s up with some practical content I just made a video about, too. It will take quite a while to merge all of the Pillars into the system from scratch, but small amounts over time can reap real rewards.
Is it Reiki? No, it’s not. I took the first level course…back before 2000. I had already been through the first level of the Priesthood of the Mormons, which is really just divine energy and a laying on of hands. Think of it more of a transmission to use it in certain ways and I suppose you could say the same for Reiki, as I was told at the time. I’m not here to debate the details of that. I’m saying it isn’t either of those. Since neither played a role in these initial techniques, it really doesn’t matter to me.
So…what is it? I suppose that depends on what you connect to and use it for, but that’s a bit further down the road than we’re going for now. To be honest, I do plan on turning the exercises and system I use into one usable by others. It will match my philosophy of Taoism. I’ve spoken about that a little more elsewhere and it will just clutter this up a bit more than I’d like for a small article (with the video attached).
Before I forget – Pele’s Grimoire, hosted on the Occult Mirror is an Energy Work training manual – if you let it be. I know I mentioned it in the video. The Occult Mirror is an amazing resource with excellent, experienced magicians that have the sort of curiosity in other areas to truly give it a unique flavor. I recommend visiting and reading. They tend to not cater towards the dark edgelords that are so pervasive in other places. Give it a look and you’ll likely find something appealing to you.
One of the things I left out of Pele’s Grimoire (because it predates it) is my practice of connecting with plants and trees. Not in a Druidic or similar manner. I was trying to connect with “The Force”, which Star Wars said was all around us and even if I knew I wasn’t going to be lifting space fighters or even cars (any time soon!!), I felt the power and the impact of that sentiment. Even if I couldn’t feel it then, if felt “true” and I didn’t forget it.
And what is this little exercise that can help unlock other areas? Feeling a single plant. BAM! All you need. Mission Accomplished. I prefer checks over $10 million US, please, but will settle for 1.5. Or gourmet sardines. hehe, side note time…
…I…may…have been inebriated one (k)night and told my then girlfriend, now wife, “You were looking for a Knight in Shining Armor. But you chose a sardine in a rusty, tin can.” She had her tetanus shot and was unafraid.
Back to business… This simple little exercise it really a gateway to other, larger uses of this ability. And I firmly believe that we have these abilities naturally. We have to knock the dust off. I posit that most of these abilities are natural to us. Not at the same levels, just as my ability to do certain tasks may be better or worse than someone else. I’ve taken mandolin and violin lessons, have played the trumpet, a little percussion, and the French horn. I was better at some than others. Other were better than me. But I can still enjoy playing and progress for my own reasons – even if I don’t want to be professional or near that level.
I believe in the same approach with this. We have levels we are at. Levels we’d like to be. Maybe the potential to extend way past that. Every time I get close to one of my goals, I move the post. There are some posts I haven’t moved much.
I encourage even sporadic use of these techniques. Things seem to “brew” in the background once awakened. It’s not the same as deliberate, targeted practice, but that may not be practical at the time or even really possible. I started some of these techniques in my tweens – desperate to feel “The Force”, but “settling” for the single. Which progressed. I am over 45 now. I didn’t practice this every day. It did kickstart my intuition, which was active and gave it another outlet – an unexpected boon I didn’t realize until Hecate came to kick my ass in Hawaii and get it in gear in 2019. I did unknowingly combine it in Iraq, but we’re getting outside of the scope here.
As demonstrated here, this is a really simply way of cultivating that level of sensitivity. It doesn’t take much at all. And I give several other ways that this can be expanded on.
I do have the idea to make a video of “leveling” the energy of the space I’m in, but you can do this right now with a banishing ritual for the area. Some people do or don’t want to work with certain pantheons. I don’t use them, but it’s hard to describe without basic energy skills.
I come from an era of “visualize until it’s true” also called “fake it ’till you make it” – which is valid. It IS a valid way of going about it. Personally, I wouldn’t do it that way and didn’t. It felt too flimsy – I KNEW I was faking it. And since the information wasn’t available at the time and most resources I could find were New Age and clearly…made the fuck up…I didn’t do much with it.
Hecate helped change that and I will be advocating for something similar to that to ease people along. But this exercise and the future use of it is something I still use today. Something I attempted ~35 years ago and refined a little. That activated my clairsentience enough along the way that I still use it to this day. Literally – to this day.
This is almost a singular exercise that touches and impacts so many other areas, it’s hard to overstate.
So grab a plant or sit by a tree and start that journey to eventually connect and use other energy sources to fuel your magic – without needing excessive emotion.