Category: Uncategorized
Did I have a Part In It? Which?
The Occult Mirror folding? Yes, but not the way you expected. The TL DR is that my financial…
It’s been 20 years. I still remember.
September is always a rough month. I’ve put this off because I knew it would tear me up…
17JUN2024. We actually had Sunday mostly off, which was good, because we’ve been running around tying up as…
Ah, the Conflict Between Lifestyles
My wife is an atheist. Has been. Will be. I don’t ask her to join in. Sometimes, she…
Hawaii Bound
And just like that…most of the behind the scenes checks and bounds are done. In 2018, this took…
Harmony, I Still Care
I am known for using True Crime and similar to practice some of my workings against. Not all…
An Unknown Angel
What would you do? Face obscured, power evident, coming for the job you have in mind. And what…
Social Media
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