As the move gets closer, I’m reflecting more on things that have happened in the past almost 3 years since I returned to Maryland from Hawaii. Now bouncing back to Hawaii, I’m reminded more of what has changed since I was last there. Mostly, it’s good, but sometimes, it a bit sad, too.
Today, we were back at our house, now devoid of 99.9% of our stuff and only the cleanup is needed, we’re noticing small things that were “worthless” to the movers, but important to us. Small things can bring back big memories.
I was sweeping up the dust and debris from my ritual space earlier and I came across a lot of smaller feathers that the movers wouldn’t pack. Maybe I should back up…
The garage and my ritual space are a wreck of boxes, dust, debris, and things the movers felt would be against the “rules” to pack. The rules to be followed depended on the person packing the boxes. Naturally, things may be more acceptable to one packer more than another.
I was staring at a lot of loose feathers this morning. Mostly bluejay, some fledging cardinal molts, a raven, and some I haven’t identified. This caused me to reminisce about a friend of mine I once collected feathers for on Hawaii and back in Maryland on my house hunting trip for the return at my current house. I agreed to collect a peacock feather, if I could get it and it sprawled from there.
I was staring at these little feathers, mixed in with the debris and “junk” the movers refused to box up and I couldn’t help but think of this friend. Even as I picked these feathers out and gave them back to Nature with respect, I was still thinking of that collection I did just under three years ago. I even changed my music to repeat to reminisce to a song that reminds me of them, if only because it’s an anime song done on the Erhu and they were a fan of that anime (I don’t watch it, but enjoy some of the songs).
The whole thing is an exercise in respect. I had insight and avenues that others may have…abused. For one, they’re quite attractive and they tend to not disrespect others (we disagree in this area). I’ve fought for and suffered with my friend for years. I’ve helped them. I’ve helped them (and another) pull off miracles for ones they loved that were literally 1,000,000:1. Twice.
And, unlike others, I let them go when my protection wasn’t needed. My friendship is still there, but the active part, a daily thing I kept up and managed for them, is gone. They pulled that plug. I let it go and minded my own business, even if a bit nervous for them. And that lasted for a long while.
I know this is a big exercise in “so what?” without understanding, so….here we go. I have a technique I’ve used to help stabilize people mentally and emotionally. Once their feet are under them, I reduce the active help and they get stronger until they, the spirits the work with, the spirits I work with, or myself cut this connection.
Yes, I stabilize them with a link that depends on what they need. The first needed mental stability. The other needed mental and emotional stability. These aren’t frivolous asks. They were from solid magicians that needed more than petitions and personal work to get help. Well, an example of the first would help, I guess.
The first time I did this technique, I wasn’t operating in an area I knew much about. But Belial came to me an said that a friend I knew to be unstable here and there was about to commit suicide and he asked me to intervene. At that time, I was actively helping this person and had permission to help them as I saw fit, so I created a link between their mind and mine. They had a psychological condition that could make them suicidal at times, so this made sense. I created the link between us, called on Helios to help bring light, and actively sought to bring them back to a place where they could see more clearly. What was reported to me was that they knew I had intervened, and a column of light pierced the water they were drowning in and they felt me dragging them back to the surface.
This initial connection, since improved and hopefully non-emergency, is more stable. Regardless, there is risk to myself. I take on and mitigate, offload, ground out, etc… the excess energies they can’t handle. Yes, you now understand why I don’t do it for most or offer it. There is a very real risk to me. My daily practice is partially built on mitigating that as well as doing my other cultivation work. These connections have a tendency to be active and in use for greater than 6 months. Yes, it’s personal and that’s the only way I’ll do that.
My friend needed something else that I recognized and got their agreement for. They needed me to occupy a spot in their mind to keep a persistent jackass out. This jackass has some sort of talent, ability, for implanting recurring and persistent desires, wants, and trying to make target partners their slaves. That wouldn’t fly with me, of course, but there needs to be a serious amount of trust to occupy a part, yet not do so in a way that can act like a listening device.
As I do with these connections, I pick X entities, asked them to pick X entities. Here, there was one entity we both had in common, so we picked two. My friend and myself could also break this connection. It can also be closed without breaking it and this is the goal until they are so stable that it isn’t needed anymore.
Eventually, this link got to that point and on my daily grounding walk, I noticed it was almost entirely gone. Closed almost to the point of being extinguished. When someone gets to that point, it’s not uncommon for there to not be much in the way of communication, as they’ve gone about their life and the help is largely overlooked.
This isn’t necessarily a slight, despite that they were a wreck and sinking when it started. Think of it similar to an addiction counsellor – once they have a new life ahead, they may not want to reinforce the connections that reinforce the old lifestyle and struggles. I get it, I understand it, but, …there is a toll on me, too.
It feels like there’s someone almost right next to you. You can feel them, they can feel you. No, I can’t feel their thoughts or specific emotions, but if something bubbles up, I can feel that and remove it to help ground them out. It’s not necessarily in real-time, as these people have been in other timezones significantly different from mine. But I can feel buildups and similar and act to keep them more level (for them). It’s not a perfect solution, but it doesn’t have to be.
I can’t get into really specific things for their privacy, but you should get an idea. My daily grounding walk is largely about me, but when attached, I’m doing it for two and using energy skills to make that happen.
So, seeing all those feathers, remembering my feather hunt for my friend….bittersweet. I’ve been called upon by some of their spirits to help out indirectly (this would be approved under our agreement), but the new connection was 90% closed in 24 hours. My friend had bolstered themselves and rallied their resources to go forward without needing it. 24-48 hours later, then thin connection they purposefully kep was closed.
Mission accomplished x 2
I’d be lying if I said the closure didn’t affect me. As hinted above, it’s like having someone next to you. No, you don’t speak or share X and Y. I don’t know what they’re doing or thinking. It’s not like that. But, like the Infantry in Iraq, when we lived outside the wire, you get used to someone being right next to you and that’s what it feels like. Connections get closed and there’s an unusual “distance”, as if you talk daily or are roommates. You get used to their presence and when it goes away, the absence is noticed after 6, 8, 12 months of being active and actively mitigating situations that would be…
As I offered these feathers back to Nature, who had temporarily given them to me, all of these memories came back. As sad as parts of it were, there’s an immense amount of satisfaction. I was worthy of finding these unique finds and returned those to Nature when they were no longer useful to my direct practice. I was reminded of the same happening with the Feather Queen I collected for, having also returned that which was given, except what was preserved was human sanity and spirit. Several times over.
I’m returning soon to the place where I collected their feathers. The birds may change, but the species won’t. I will think kindly of them when I see them daily.