Once again, I was told I need to start doing this. Even with advanced spirits, not just the lesser. I’ve heard this lesson many times over the years. I work on it a bit and then stop working on it for one reason or another and the lesson needs given again.
I’m a manager at work and take a watchful, but hands-off approach. When things need their course corrected, I make that adjustment and then get out of the way so they can make it happen. I own my mistakes and apologize when I should.
If I can do this with people easily enough, why can’t I “command” more with the Gods/spirits? I expect that I’ll get squeezed until I do, but I don’t want to let it get to that point. Similar to bottling up feelings until they come out in an unproductive or counterproductive way. The older I get, the more I pay attention to that and try to abide by it. Doesn’t always work, though. Sometimes the right time never seems to come around.
I’m going to try to do more of this, today even, with the focus being my store. I have an idea of what interest is there and will use a combination of things in carts and things sold to determine how effective my methods are. I’ll also use it with my book(s) over the next year. I do expect it to take a year to see solid patterns and get around things like Holiday spending bursts.
All I got. Not terribly exciting, but I wanted to put it out there to also help hold myself accountable. I don’t typically need that, but as many times as I”ve heard this in the past few years, I figured it was worth a shot.