I am known for using True Crime and similar to practice some of my workings against. Not all are directly baneful, but some are. For those victims without perpetrators named/identified, I ask for a signature to cast against.
Sure, some don’t like that I do it. It’s good that I don’t need their approval, though I’d absolutely be game for coordination.
Harmony Montgomery is one such victim. Here, at the moment, I’m not seeking vengeance. I simply want her body found. I have for months now. I’ve asked the Montgomery’s I know if they knew her father, but they don’t.
When mundane means don’t produce the justice you want, you have to turn to other ways.
The Montgomery’s I know are Midwest. This lot is from the East Coast. I know they aren’t related without numerous forks, but this poor gal has had a rough time. She deserved better than being killed, for sure.
I can say that her spirit is not hurting. I take my role as a necromancer pretty seriously, to honor both Hecate, then Hel, who were my first introduction(s) to this current in the spiritual sense. She has free reign in my space and is actively watched over – partially by some of those spirits I’ve helped in the past.
Here, I’m continuing some offerings to Bifrons and Hecate. I simply want her bones found so she can be appropriately laid to rest (physically).
Since I’ve also cultivated relationships with land spirits, but none in the location Harmony’s bones are, they are doing what they can to coordinate the finding of her bones by others, too. Sometimes…beneficial actions a half world away, done in good faith, can lead to help in this area.
I don’t have delusions that her bones will be found soon. I have hope. I know she’s dead and she’s taken care of. I’ve been following it for over a year now. All I want, right now, are her bones found.
After that, for her killer, well, that’s up to me, isn’t it? I think that with some practitioners, with the practical experience lasting about as long as a few tiktok videos, whose only exposure is RHP-themed paths like Wicca, practitioners may realize there’s a cornucopia available if they explore outside their comfort zone.
For example, I’ve been known to evoke perpetrators and use a Goddess or God to let them “earn” the freedom through service. I was going to collect them similar to a “familiar” with some and, frankly, torture some others. But, those I respect and listen counseled other paths. Paths I still use.
I may just collect this one. But – I want a burial first. And I will use all the means I have to see it happen. I’m getting tired of the respectful approach when it’s been…what…a few years? I may just collect him alive, I think. Not just “him”, but HIM. Guess we’ll see.