We often say that magic takes the path of least resistance and this can be true. Really depends on the way it’s done. This is partly why I do a fair amount of hybrid rituals, instead of just straight-up petitions when I opt to use that route.
Having started in Demonolatry with my meaningful work, there is typically a path of service or tit-for-tat, gift for a gift in my general work and path. Sometimes I get called upon to do rituals for/against people/causes that I have no or little knowledge of with the same “care” for the result. Thankfully, I don’t need strong emotion for me work, but I do have to be serious about it.
I was looking though some headlines in relevant areas where I have done some work, some serious work, and came away from it wanting to do more about it. The results were there, I could feel the lines of effort. There’s a lot of…clutter…in this situation. Prayers, curses, strong emotions throughout. All equally valid, but not all done by really strong…magicians (insert whatever word here for those that affect reality via non-ordinary means). I was expecting the clutter, but we always hope for a 100% efficiency with a 100% effect.
I could (and can) feel the winds changing a bit around me and I’m likely to be in ritual again tonight. This weekend for sure. And it was this wind, when the outcomes have nothing to do with me, that made me realize that these items were more inline with answering a call than something I wished to do solely on my own. This sort of feeling isn’t mine, but is being asked of me.
Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t bother me, They work for my benefit without being asked and I work towards theirs. My recognition of which is which has grown over time. I’ve spoken of sensing the energy around you in the Energetic Pillar series before on my YouTube Channel. This is something I’ve used for years to sense changes. It grows with use and still does. Now, it’s more of sensing things much further outside of my energetic area.
Before, especially when I was still getting my footing, they would come and ask. Later, I noticed, I was more into causes than was normal – a pull, a sense of drawing., and the entities were quick to come Now, it’s more of my attention being drawn to certain aspects of problems – especially if I’ve done blanket work already.
Let me give you an example. It is absolutely likely that if there was a televised (sustained) conflict zone, I’ve at least tried to send comfort, healing, and aid to people in those areas. With some, there may have also bee other areas where aid and comfort wasn’t the primary objective. Once the blanket workings for the area are done, I may get the feeling to do more in a specific area I don’t know anything about or to sustain my working in one path of the aid (I always target it several ways). There’s no reason for me to do this, personally. There’s no benefit to me personally. I don’t pat myself on the back all day long because I lifted a few fingers and used a candle or several instead of attaching some little to a profile. Frankly, when you work some of the harder aspects, you will find some things coming your way. That’s fine. Still here.
Having recognized that tonight, it made me wonder about how many may not know. It’s an individual experience, potentially. There’s no substantial checklist that one could make without it being so generic, it’s worthless. Some do work in their sleep (I have and have been told I have).
The real question is – are YOU okay with it? Are you working for free? Are you really or is this a give-and-take? Does that trigger your inner control freak?
My point is that is should be considered when things like this happen. Unexplained causes, multiple workings for things you aren’t personally connected to, or things you *should* do without knowing why. Are you paying for things you’ve already been given? For things you will get? For tutelage?
I’ve gotten a lot and I’ve given a lot. I expect both to continue. Once these winds take shape, I expect to be sending things forth, making change for those that can’t do it on their own. None of whom I will ever meet. Just like last time.