New Project – Conflicting Energies

I’ve been kinda waiting for a new project to do. I’ve had many ideas. The one I thought was most prominent required permission to use their material, since I had it in mind to publish the grimoire. I don’t need it for living expenses or anything like that and this one would NOT have been any sort of best-seller. I’ll still work on small chunks versions of it and put it likely here. The utter silence from the copyright holder(s) left me a bit adrift.

The hell was I going to do now?

The Spirit of the Ziggurat (SZ) helped me with some of that and I’m now working on a new grimoire of using some very different, “foreign” energies. Two very distinct paths that use complementary methods. But the notes are being kept in two different grimoires. The SZ doesn’t really want it in the grimoire I have for him with the other…half of the book. Yog-Sothoth is amused by this, but indifferent. Both agree that they will end up in the same end material, but not…right now.

This got me thinking of all of the different energies I’ve worked with before and if I had something similar come about in the past. I have, in several forms. When I was working with some of the Maoshan (magical Taoism) stuff, some of the entities in other paths wanted me to hold off when working with them. I’d had some other smaller incidents where I was told to hold off at specific points during the first Shadownomicon.

It eventually dawned on me that the majority of these times and episodes were based on things that were being changed energetically or spiritually that needed to happen and they were important enough that others didn’t want it messed with. Can I prove that? No, but if I call on some of those currents that wanted me to wait during the initial Maoshan stuff, there’s no hesitation now (like Yog-Sothoth, for example).

A few well-meaning friends asked why these energies were compatible at the time and I didn’t have an answer. To me they were. It was the timing and important things needed to be done. In some cases, parts of practices needed to be established or the base work solidified before other work can be done. In cases of people like me, that use a lot of very different energies at any given time, this can sometimes be to prevent people (ME) from getting too sidetracked during an important time period because they (I) don’t know that it is THAT significant when it may not seem to be.

Let me give you some context just for today. I’ve called on the Immortal Fox, briefly interacted with Guanyin (incense offering), spoken the the Spirit from the Ziggurat, touched some celestial energies, Called on Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, and Shub-Niggurath to answer their calls, and I have more planned tonight. I started working on a servitor for specific Gate material I’m experimenting with. I also called out to and interacted with some of the Dead and familiar spirits given/loaned from higher level spirits.

Today was a snow day, so I had some extra time, but these are all of the different energies I’ve interacted with directly. I didn’t even to my Maoshan exercises today, to be honest. I got lazy after shoveling from the 3+ inches we just got today.

Yet, the energies themselves weren’t necessarily incompatible. Some entities wanted the currents kept a little more separate. I then realized that I would be wrong to suggest that this is a normal series of encounters and energies than most people would find themselves experiencing. Then I thought about why. And it right there inline with my practice.

Attunement. In this case, it’s being normalized to these energies to the extent that I can move from one to the other and it doesn’t bother me. Pretty handy and it comes up all the time. But there was a time where that wasn’t the case. I would stagger my rituals and interactions so I could try to come back to “normal” before going to the next. I can still remember calling Belial and Abaddon early on and feeling a little discordant within myself.

How would I suggest someone go about this? Well, the easiest way to adapt to the spirits individually, if possible, then several of different types. Maybe include a Goetic and an Angel with your healing calls and have them both in your presence. Call elemental spirits of different types and from different places you enjoy going to to ask them to continue taking care of those places. You could ask a spirit you trust to call spirits you need/want to attune/normalize towards. Be sure to give some offerings, even simple ones, for their time and the help they’re giving you.

But WHY Norse? Lots of reasons. One of the things I noticed from my work with the Dead and Psychopomps is that when that sort of energy was sent my way, if had a diminished effect. It means I can also go into “off” spaces and there’s a good chance I’ll be less effected (this has happened several times). It means that I spend less time reacting to the energy than the entity that is the cause (useful for necromancy and dark spaces) and I can interact without the noise of the energy getting in the way. It means that I can more readily tell if an entity is from, say, Hecate or Belial, because their energy would be present and I would already know what that feels like.

You’ll notice that I didn’t say anything about accumulation or storing this. That’s a similar, but (should be) a longer term thing. You want to understand the energies you’re bringing in if you intend to keep them within for a prolonged period. Here, we’re mostly talking about developing a sort of tolerance, but tolerance with a purpose than blind exercises.

I am grateful that this conflict or disagreement came up today. It did give an opportunity to pass some of this along. If there are specific energies you’re struggling with or maybe that you want my opinion on, hit me up at or another avenue, if you have one of my other emails addresses or Telegram. I will answer as I can and if you don’t hear from me, ping me again. Some things do slip through the cracks.