Orders – HI in June.

After what seems like 8,000 emails back and forth, I finally got my orders cut today for Hawaii in June. Even though you’ve been through the selection process and done the interviews and then everybody else signed off saying yeah he’s okay for this it still isn’t really real until they cut your orders.

Now I have no problem saying that most of the rework needed was because of me. But it also makes me feel now that it’s over that there’s just this huge weight that’s been lifted and yet I still feel like there’s something I’m supposed to be doing that I haven’t done. Sure the flights need booked for the house hunting and for the final move. The movers need booked to carry my stuff away within 30 days of me leaving. Rental cars, vet bills for cats, all that still needs done.

Somehow getting the orders today just seems to have taken a huge weight off. And being me once that huge weight is off I’ll start looking around thinking that there’s something I haven’t done – that I forgot to dot something that somebody else already said I did and things like that.

I know I have a mountain of work ahead of me once I actually get to my new duty station. I know I have a mountain of work ahead of me to continue working on Pele’s grimoire and expanded even further. Everybody has the mountain of bills for playing there.

But if I’m being honest I am starting to get a little bit excited to go and it’s excitement that I really didn’t have last time. Last time I went because my wife really enjoyed it when she was on vacation and she’s not a big fan of Maryland but she’s better with it now. This time I’m going partly for me in the experiences that I’ll get that may unlock the key to me getting to Europe and maybe 6, 9 years or something like that. And it’ll be nice to commune with Pele in her backyard again.

So that’s it no special message really. No listen to inspire better living. Just a simple blog post.