I knew before I got on the plane on Monday (13May24) to Hawaii for the house hunting trip that I would be adding to it. But what she wants it going to go well beyond the last one. Most parts of it will be open to those without strong energetic skills and those with them can get the most out of it on the nuanced level. At least, as far as I’ve been shown and told.
What was I told? I was still 4 hours away (of a 10 hour, 2 leg flight) when I felt her connection. Can’t say I’ve been spoken with a Goddess at 20,000+ feet before. It came in as a stream of visions I had. Anchoring to specific places and facilitating those anchors. Different land spirits and guardians. Accessing “young” volcanoes from the activity near Hawaii.
I will be learning more from Pele, Hi’iaka, and Kamohoali’i. There were two other spirits whose presence (attention and wanting to be noticed) I could feel, but this wasn’t a formal introduction. She was letting me know more was coming. A lot more.
She did want some of the “unlisted” spells from the publicly published Pele’s Grimoire put into that one. This second one is to be clean and can mostly stand on its own without it. It will be significantly more better with experience with the first, but this second one will likely not be free. Probably cheap, but not free.
Pele’s first grimoire can be found here at The Occult Mirror https://forum.theoccultmirror.net/t/pele-journey-beyond-the-caldera/93
Working with and healing parts of the land will be part of my work while here for several years. This is a service-based approach for me and that same mentality will help those that want to get involved with these entities and beings as they would like to. This isn’t slavery or subjugation. That doesn’t fly with me. There are plenty of people that say the words. Paraphrasing something she said to me when I first met her (and wondering why a Caucasian would be of interest to her), she said, “Plenty of people speak AT me. You speak WITH me.”
I hesitated for a long while before giving Pele’s Grimoire to the public. I was very clear that there was no appropriation of Hawaiian or Polynesian methods and practices. I was very up front that these were practices given to me by her, Hi’iaka, and Kamohoali’i. This time around, there will be some other spirits also providing guidance and experiences.
I will be making anchoring symbols for places and spirits with safety measures. Symbols are different than sigils, especially those produced by kamea, which I largely don’t subscribe to. I will be providing these symbols so that others can attach to places and entities of power here on Oahu and other areas when I travel to them again. I will be making physical anchors, from natural materials, that will be linked to these symbols. By accessing the symbol, you access the anchor, which is tied to the energy of that place. The reader doesn’t have to know how to anchor in a significant way to allow that to happen to make use of the benefits of the anchor itself. There will be some ritual involved until that connection is made. I can provide some support for free, but will likely sell linked ones individually. I found that giving things away for free devalued them, to an extent.
This is still more folk than ceremonial and I don’t see why that would change, especially for the end consumer. I do realize that not everyone is comfortable with spirit interactions without protective measures and I will provide guidance on methods they can consider. I will obviously give advice throughout the book on my interactions with these beings and any warnings I receive to pass on. Magic is never risk-free and there’s nothing at this point in time that would give me concern for those spirits I’ve worked with, outside of someone blatantly disrespecting them or that they feel is right for this work at this time.
All right, the announcement is made. I have no idea when this will complete itself, but I do know that the work has begun. I’ll keep posting things here and there, but the majority of the rituals will only be in the book or given freely at the discretion of Pele or one of the other Gods or Goddesses. I’ll be doing another post this evening that will be public four days after this one. It will give an idea of what I will be posting about.