It’s 15MAY24 and I had my first almost-solid Pele’s Grimoire 2 experience. What the hell does “almost-solid” mean? It’s like getting ready to have some alone time with something cute when their sibling shows up unannounced. Kinda ruins it. In this case, it was rain. Torrential rain. Let’s back up.
Ka’ena Point is a beautiful, windy, dry state park that covers the northern and westernmost part of Oahu. We’ve completed the hike 6 times and this would’ve been the 7th. We were waiting for a rental showing and had most of the day to kill. Why not? If you’re going to do this hike, especially in the Summer, then I recommend sunscreen, CamelBaks with maybe some extra water (I carry an additional 64 ounces of water to my 3L resevoir). Super windy most of the time, so no mosquito repelent needed. But there’s no real shade on the Western approach and only a few patches on the Northern approach. In our opinion, the Northern approach is more scenic and has more wind to help cool down. We also have seen more Monk Seals on the Northern approach. All right, getting back on track…
About a quarter of the way on the hike, I feel a water spirit in the water (instead of near it on land), and she wants my attention. I let her know I can feel her and would like to interact. There is a place just past the 3/4 mark where one can find sea shells and worn down coral, among other interesting bits from the ocean. This isn’t a tourist area, so the materials are from this specific place. I was going to meet her there. This is also the location I’ve given blood offerings to Kamohoali’i. Before I catch some flack for that, this isn’t a swimming area. While I know of some people that wouldn’t care about that, I am not one of them.
I was “scheduled” to meet this lovely little spirit there, but there was a catch. There’s a storm stalled right off the islands and it’s dropping rain by the bucket loads. One of those bucket loads was coming in and my wife didn’t want to continue. I did remind her we weren’t going to melt, but that didn’t change anything. I was…not happy… We were just short of the 3/4 mark to the halfway point. It’s about 5 miles round trip.
I did have to let the spirit know I wouldn’t make it and did. She had been keeping tabs on us as we moved along the trail. I was disappointed and it was obvious. I hadn’t met ANY of my goals for that hike. It was clearing up when we were halfway back and there was some talk about me going on my own, but we didn’t have time for that now, with the showing we had scheduled.
What were my original goals? I knew I would find *something* at Ka’ena Point and I was waiting to see what that was. Something physical, at the end. I expected it was one of the anchors I mentioned in my last post or a personal one not for public consumption. Still don’t know. I did want to go to that offering beach spot and shop what was available. I wanted to grab a piece of driftwood to make a wand from. Those were my goals. The spirit, who looked similar to a mermaid, but was smaller, like the local faeries at my house in Maryland, was a bonus for sure.
I did upload the 17 small snippets to Insta as reels and the combined video in high resolution to Youtube. I’ll put this link below.