I have some extra time on my hands at the moment. The rains are coming down in Hawaii, which means that most activities are out. We’ve already gone to our house hunting appointments. I just put on a song I heard the last time I lived in Hawaii. Not something I would normally listen to, but that’s what new cultures do to you, yah?
Seems fitting. Reflecting on a song on the radio and my current practice. What does my current practice look like?
Gates, Maoshan, Pele, Shadownomicon, 76 Week Goetia, Etsy, and Necromancy.
Lost going on here. Terrestrial gates and Celestial gates. I was hitting my “Space” gates project pretty hard and then they put the brakes on it. One gate split into two separate gates in the same anchor stone. Both the “Light” and “Dark” gate entities said to hold off as it got closer to the move to Hawaii. It’s not unusual for things to get put on hold by the spirits and pick them up later, when something else finished that has a more immediate need. I like to “finish” things and sometimes I wonder if this is their way of forcing me to learn more patience (that gets in the way of finishing things!).
I’ve started doing some of the optional exercises, but have largely maintained with my daily practices. I stopped some of the “psychic” exercises due to a restriction of not practicing them during a certain month and while I maintained, I didn’t pick that back up. This does bother me, to be honest. I’ve been shown other things by the spirits, some of which I have confirmed are experienced by others on the Maoshan path, according my teacher. I still haven’t initiated. If I wasn’t being shown extras by some of the patron Deities/Entities of the Maoshan and Maoshan Fox path, I would be concerned. Truth is, I think they’d like me to go solo-focused on Maoshan stuff, but that isn’t going to happen any time soon and I can’t see myself doing that. There are too many other spirits that typically have hands in what I’m doing and the pacing of them that this would cause issues. I’ve not been told that by the Maoshan entities, so please keep that in mind.
Going strong here, once again. My Fiery Madame didn’t waste any time once I was off the coast of the mainland US. I had a series of tasks for her second grimoire 4 hours before I landed in Hawaii. I’ve started working on them in between house hunting. It’s 18MAY24 and I’m 28 pages in. I have several spirit contacts and an anchor point already in place. One of many that will get spread across different points of Oahu and the surrounding islands as I get to them. Not all of the islands are equally important. The point is to use the energies of this place for one’s workings. There will be a fair few of them at the time of “publication”, but that won’t be all of them. These are similar to the Gates project, except these are natural (to Earth) energies that encourage working with those types of energies, rather than the somewhat foreign energies of the greater solar system.
Feels good to be working with Pele, Kamohoali’i, and Hi’iaka in their own backyard. I’m recognizing and being recognized by land spirits here that had ignored me in the past. I didn’t even know they were there. I suppose the same could be said for them. This will be a very different period of living here in Hawaii. Part of this will also involve helping the land in different ways, presumably easier for me in some ways than the land spirits. I bring different energies and abilities to the table. It will be interesting.
76 Week Goetia:
I was on week 12? I was told to not bring the book with me on my house hunting trip to Oahu. I hesitated to agree to that, but am glad I took the advice. My energies have been needed elsewhere – mundane and magically – and I will be able to get a few more weeks in before the movers come to sweep my stuff away for a few months. I will order some stuff from Amazon Prime here, but Prime in Hawaii means you *might* get it in a week, not a few days. I’ll pack some stuff, but don’t have room for a lot. One of these places works out, I can ship stuff to myself right before I move and hit the ground slinging rituals with only a few days delay.
I’ve put my store in “vacation mode” for this house hunting trip. I’ll open it briefly for a few weeks, then put it back in vacation mode while I wait for my stuff to cross the Pacific and make it to Hawaii. I’m genuinely concerned that some of the stuff will succumb to the wet and heat during the transit, but there isn’t much I can do about that but file a claim at the end that may or may not be accepted. I will reopen my services entries, but the items won’t be available. Once I get here and source some driftwood again, I’ll start crafting wand blanks again. Those can go up without issue, once I have the time to do them again. I’ll order some cheap tools from Amazon and get those going again.
I need to look up the laws for Hawaii concerning graveyards. I don’t plan on sourcing dirt or items from them, but they can think a little differently here about things. I’d rather be certain of the unspoken rules, too. I’ve seen several here just this week, but not as one walking through to experience them. Since Hawaiians weren’t nearly as peaceful as they pretend they were, there are plenty of battle sites here and on the other islands. I’ve been to a few, but want to go back now, with an obviously greater standing with the spirits on this island than I had back in 2018-2021. I could feels “eyes” and attention on me when I neared graveyards. I will likely wait for them to approach me before offering any sort of help or services to them. Mistrust of outsiders is a very real thing here and the Dead seem to continue to embody that. Well, those who’ve noticed me continue to, it seems. Not the land spirits, just the Dead.
Well, that the State of my Practice at the moment. Lots to do. Lots more I want to do and not enough time to get half of it done on the daily. I am mindful that progress takes times and remind myself of this. If I subscribed to the overly emo = progress path, I’d be a Sith Lord with (no visible skills) by now. Guess I’ll have to settle for being mundane.