This is partly a follow-up to the conversation we had He offered to deliver some of my enemies. In a sense, he did with one. There was a contractor at work that had been an issue for a while, exerting what “authority” they did have to try to reduce the amount of work they had to do. Sorry, but I’ve done contracting in Software and didn’t like half the jobs I got, but the client didn’t know that.
And they decided to change contract offices, so I won’t have to deal with them by the time I return from Hawaii on May 23rd. Credit where credit is due. I don’t particularly like them.
Since I’m back in Hawaii for house hunting, I wanted to see if the strength of the gate I created on Halloween 2020 was still in usable shape. I can feel it from here, a few miles away and it seems serviceable. I don’t have much reason to open it without some sort of benefit to myself, but that will have to wait. I don’t need to be at the exact location to do it, but I’d like to be closer than here. It’s in a community where Security requires you to be a resident or visiting one.
There were two servitors that use to feed it and now only one comes to my call. I realized the second doesn’t exist anymore and then realized it was because the first one consumed it. Not expected, but that’s fine. It’s quite strong at this point, largely independent, but willing to resume “duties”. Why? I suspect it wants to join Legion as more than just another “soldier” or standard shadow spirit. Fine.
I don’t know what Legion could offer to help entice me to open that gate again. There would be plenty of things I could use help with. Keeping the pervasive Hawaii property crime at bay, reducing Haole hate crime potential for myself and my family, etc… Mainly reducing the proclivities that Legion feeds on. But that doesn’t seem quite right, either. Not the full benefit for what he’d be gaining, I should say.
What would he gain? Easy access to Honolulu and the surrounding area, without having to go through the process of coming here from a different…place…dimension…not sure what the right word is. Reduces the distance between where they typically reside and this place. It allows spirits that haven’t been here before to easily get here. Honolulu and the surrounding area also acts as a recruiting ground for shadows that have spun off of people that aren’t affiliated with one of the shadow people groups yet. I know of two separate groups that identify as “Legion” and this is the same one I worked with during my original Shadownomicon effort.
One could argue why I’m doing this or if it’s for petty gain. Sure, part of it may be petty, but there is a lot of benefit to confronting and, eventually integrating, those shadow aspects of the self. This is part of the agreement to use the gate. It’s not just a feeding frenzy to make lives miserable. There is the agreement that the individuals affected should be nudged towards fixing and integrating those parts of themselves. In a place like Hawaii, there will always be vices indulged and Legion can feed on that. What there isn’t a lot of is fixing those shadow aspects in a place where monetary pressures are very real and wages are significantly lower due to people wanting to move here.
Why would Legion agree to this? Doesn’t it mean they will be fed less over time? Sure, by the locals. The tourists will always give them something to feed on.