This shouldn’t be too long, since it’s a work in progress and I’m unsure about how it will affect me longer-term.
Before I forget, this article will reference some passages from the Tao of Celestial Foxes by Grand Master Alex Anatole , which you can find here. Most of these references are from Volume 2, which is the linked version. I am not affiliated with him or his school in any way. There are things I agree with and things I don’t, but I did get some value from the series. I’m still reading the third at the time of this draft.
Some have been following my path long enough to maybe remember my posts about deja vu and how I view them as guidepost or milestones. I can’t recall ever reading that anywhere and didn’t read Occult work or watch videos much at all from my teens in the 90’s until being beckoned by Hecate in 2019. Sometimes I would read old 40’s and 50’s Occult books, but these were usually the outrageous ones, like the one that suggested cutting off some hose from a vacuum and using it as a sound device would let you know ALL THE THINGS if one just listened hard enough.
I was greatly surprised to hear similar things echoing back to me in a very similar way as I read the second volume of the series.
Something about this really hit me. I couldn’t and can’t quite put my finger on it. I’ve taken the point of view that when I had them, I had made the right choice at some step. They only seemed to happen when I followed the path I felt was right, even if it seemed logically wrong and couldn’t articulate why I felt it had to go that way.
Kinda like me going back to Hawaii in a few months. Same sort of thing. I can justify it for my career and my joints in Winter and all that, but I kinda already knew I would end up back there. And the kicker is that there’s a lot about Hawaii I don’t care for, but there’s something there I NEED and I can’t put my finger on it. Yes, there are benefits that can help align my future goals, but that isn’t why I’m going.
There are more opportunities at the site here in Maryland than in Hawaii. But something I need isn’t here. And it feels like one of these sorts of scenarios.
There is some conflicting information in these books with regards to reincarnation and the difference to the “second chance” above. I’ve experienced other things that differ from the view with regards to the Dead, too. But the second chance is what got me and it’s not letting go.
I’ve also been quite vocal that I wanted this to be my last incarnation, unless I choose otherwise. It’s always seemed an impossible task, but those are the ones I climb for in my longer-term goals. I wasn’t concerned if it was unlikely. I knew I didn’t have to have uber amounts of power to do it. I just knew it was possible, maybe even likely with the work I expected to put in.
I don’t align enough with this particular Fox school to go seeking membership or entry. I’m already pursuing one. I already have working relationships of sorts with some of the Foxes. I know this will continue regardless.
There’s another nagging thing, but it’s complicated and would take a lot of time, be full of UPG, that’s closer to VPG than before with the Bardo theories also brought up in this series. That’s for another day, if it all comes together. I’ve mentioned me going elsewhere after this go around, but the rules of here don’t apply there the same way and this also makes more sense. Too much for today.
One of the last times I was sick for the better part of a week and start looking aimlessly, I read Fox Magic by Jason Read and started in shortly after. About a year ago. This time, I was led to the Tao of Celestial Foxes. Could be a coincidence, but the compulsion to read certainly isn’t. Guess we’ll see.