Last time, we talked about connecting to and with our plant as a way to start to get the juices flowing for both connecting and sensing external living things. This is to start the process of sensing energy fields that are more easily felt when they touch ours. This was why we used the plant or other living object in this video. I would encourage you to give it a watch if you haven’t.
Now, we move on to other things. There are two videos I’ve made for this to break it up a bit. These won’t be word-for-word copies, since that’s boring as hell and some things are better in other mediums. But, there is the Theory video and the Practical video (still being uploaded at this time). Both are complementary and should be viewed for the best possible understanding. In the second video description, I recommended a process I use where I pay attention to a video the first time and then parts afterwards, when I hit repeat and listen in the background to help it absorb. I would encourage the same. .
Side note, YouTube pissed me off with the “Premium or Else” horseshit they recently pulled. If you don’t like ads, like I don’t, the I recommend the Brave browser. I will eventually start uploading to Bitchute or similar later. I don’t have a large enough channel to care about ad revenue and I have a day job and don’t rely on this or my stores/ritual-for-hire in any way. Tangent aside, let’s get back to business that isn’t shady or shitty.
The first video covered a few concepts that are important. These classifications? Clarifications? Whatever-ications (spellcheck is losing its mind right now) matter a bit and have different purposes. There are two things to consider right now. Combining them doesn’t mean the skills don’t mean they shouldn’t be considered for isolated practice.
Active and Passive. Full stop. That’s the secret of it all. We’re done!
There are active and passive versions of these concepts/exercises. BOTH are important and I do go over where one is better than the other in the first video. Active is good for, say your home, some space you “control”. A ritual space is good and we’ll get to that (the video did).
Passive is just as important, but it’s not as sexy as “taking control” like the active processes. I, personally, use this more than the active when moving into a space that has…”history”. This is my go-to on the daily and is much safer than the active process. Talked about that in the video, too. We’ll still discuss it here.
I don’t want my instructional videos to be hour long things where I talk about all sorts of stuff. I want them focused and I aim to keep them at the ~20 minute mark or shorter. You may be better or stronger at one over the other, but let’s not be half an energetic magician. Let others half-ass the process. Not YOU, right?
The Active process typically involves sending energy out (however small) to then interact with the environment. The Passive process involves setting awareness over an area and then sifting through the results. The practice and repetition of doing this is actually really important to future practice and provides a meaningful way to distinguish between the two.
The Active process involves sending out energy, but this should be thought of as “radar” or “sonar”, where energy comes back when it meets something. Physically, those areas capture the energy reflected back to the source (submarine, radar, YOU) and this gives a glimpse into something being there and, with experience, what is there. It’s efficient for getting quick answers back once you’ve “tuned” it to you. It’s somewhat immediate, can pick up what’s there at that time, and convenient.
More of a shadows person, myself. I “default” to the Passive. I can usually keep it on all the time. It’s a great aid to me when, say, I’m at work and a spirit comes on behalf of another or that I have had no connection to in the past. At this point, I place my attention over a place to examine it fully. I’ve expanded my light energy fields out enough over time that it picks up things passively for me. At some point, if you continue and put these things into practice, your focus and attention are the limiting factors. Being able to pick things up passively conserves these.
Both take practice. One is the practice of sending out and receiving. The other is a practice of expanding and understanding what’s there. I use BOTH on a DAILY basis, in various ways. Understanding and practicing these two simple practices will affect everything from evocation, divination via environment, offerings, communication when voices fail, exerting power over places and spirits, etc… I use BOTH when I place a spirit into a crystal, or a cork, and ensure it’s there. Both processes are needed to place it into an object like I do. Hecate or Hel may provide the spirit in the case of corks, but I have to do the subdual, anchoring, verification, and new contract for the spirit. (Side note – corks (1) (2) are the only forced spirits (sometimes not). The other objects are consensual)
The main drawback of the Active process is that it acts like a beacon to the area you’re scanning and nearby. This can stir up unwanted attention and that may not be what you’re looking for.
The main drawback for the Passive process is that it relies a little more heavily on sensitivity over a wider area for potentially a longer period of time. Using this regularly negates and helps tune it at little risk.
With either, I am a proponent for practicing them when you DON’T need them, for those times when you do. You need to practice abilities and magic. Why? Because anyone that’s done something in a progressive way, repeating it, becomes more efficient at it. It’s similar to exercise. If you want to progress from the middling still requiring emotion to being good and proficient without it, this is what you’ll need to do. That and external sources.
so, what would I suggest? You already know both, but which and in what order? Both. If you’re unsure, then passively search and then follow up with an active. Practice the two in different spaces. You might be surprised at the activity of a “natural” area near your work space or the grocery store that now results in little blips that return to you. Be gentle with the Active stuff and you should be fine. Intent goes a long way.
Naturally, I recommend having your favorite banishing rituals and spirits you can petition verbally for help it needed. However big of a badass you are, don’t forget you need sleep and they don’t. Not on the same timetables, typically. Be respectful and you should get it back.